
来源 :凿岩机械与风动工具 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianweify
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本文为江苏省机械系统热处理行业技术协作网、江苏省科学研究所技术情报室为参加1976年华东地区热处理经验交流会而收集的经验交流材料之一。在这篇文章中,徐州市风动工具厂和徐州市机械研究所从理论和实践的结合上,对三元共渗的基本原理、渗剂和摧渗剂的选择、共渗的工艺以及共渗的效果和在实践中所积累的经验等等,作了较全面的介绍;特别是他们采用以甲醇溶解尿素、硼酐,另滴煤油以实现滴注式气体三元共渗,采用四氯化碳作摧渗剂,经生产实践证明它具有广阔的发展前景,很值得大家重视。三元共渗新工艺由于它的经济效果显著,因此得到了世界各国的普遍重视;这项新工艺在我国和我们行业发展得也很快,不少厂家都在研究和应用,并且取得了一定的效果。为了使这项工艺得到更快的发展,为我国的社会主义的四个现代化服务,我们对这项新工艺必须给以足够的重视。要“有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所前进”。“要脚踏实地进行科学实验”。要“互通情报”。要“独立自主、自力更生”“走我国自己工业发展的道路”,不断吸收外国一切好的经验,攀登这项工艺的新高峰。 This article is one of the exchanging materials collected by Jiangsu Machinery Industry Heat Treatment Industry Technical Collaboration Network and the Technical Intelligence Room of Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Science and Technology for participation in the 1976 East China Area Heat Treatment Experience Exchange. In this article, Xuzhou Fengdonggongju Chang and Xuzhou Machinery Institute from the combination of theory and practice, the basic principle of ternary infiltration, penetration and infiltration agent selection, infiltration process and a total of Permeation effect and experience accumulated in practice and so on, made a more comprehensive introduction; in particular, they use methanol to dissolve urea, boric anhydride, another drop of kerosene to achieve instillation gas ternary permeation, the use of tetrachloro As a destructive agent for carburizing, it has been proved that it has broad prospects for development through production practice, which deserves our attention. Due to its remarkable economic effect, the new ternary process has gained the universal attention of all countries in the world. The new process has been developed rapidly in our country and in our industry. Many manufacturers are studying and applying them and have achieved certain Effect. In order to achieve a faster development of this process and serve the four modernizations of socialism in our country, we must pay enough attention to this new craft. To “find something, something invented, created, advanced.” “To carry out scientific experiments.” To “exchange information.” We should take “independent and self-reliance” and “take the road of our own industrial development.” We should constantly absorb all foreign good experiences and climb the new peak of this process.
本标准适用于单轴转塔动力头上用铣削轴。 1.以相应的滑台台面宽B为名义尺寸。 2.铣削轴的名义尺寸、参数、互换尺寸应符合下列图表的规定。 3.标记方法:铣削轴BJB2468—78
图示为被加工零件自动调头装置。此装置是日本1977年加工电线管接头螺纹设备的输送装置上使用的,它能使单机连成线。 工件1放在输送托板2上,当被运送到支点3、4之间时,活塞杆
一、概要钢的焊接采用 CO_2—O_2气体保护电弧焊,在经济上和冶金反应上都有它极大的优越性。但是其焊丝焙化金属的过渡情况却与 MIG 焊(在氩气中)有着天壤之别:1.它不是喷射
1.器械锻炼前应先通过散步、做操等准备活动预热身体,以身体微微出汗为宜;2.进行器械锻炼时,动作应舒缓 1. Instruments before exercise should be carried out by walking
冲压生产中为了便于卸料,以往常用弹簧顶料销,但是外伸的弹簧顶料销妨碍连续冲裁,因此不适于级进模。 本文介绍的这种装置可用于级进模快速卸料,从而进一步提高生产率。 St
本文在概述了平面铣削加工的现状后,详细介绍了试验所用的密齿端铣刀的结构、试验数据和初步试验结果。图12幅。表2个,参考文献4种。馆藏号: After an overview of the status