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生态文明建设是一项前无古人的巨大工程,它要求社会各行各业有识之士的投入,需要整合古今中外各种有价值的思想资源。来自世界各地的200余位第八届生态文明国际论坛的参加者们,站在全球的视野,从哲学、政治、经济、文化、教育等方面对如何推进生态文明进行了全方位的可贵探索。他们的研究表明:要建设生态文明,首先,马克思主义的思想装备是必不可少的。因为马克思的思想中蕴含着丰富的生态思想和浓厚的社会担当意识;其次,当代西方日益勃兴的建设性后现代思维和中国传统智慧也是生态文明建设所急需的宝贵资源;最后,现行教育观念和教育制度的变革也是生态文明建设所急需的,生态文明迫切呼唤一种热土教育。 The construction of ecological civilization is a huge project unprecedented in nature. It requires the input of people of insight in all walks of life in society and requires the integration of various valuable ideological resources at all times and in all countries. Participants from over 200 Eighth International Forum on Ecological Civilizations from all over the world stand in a global perspective and conduct an all-round and valuable exploration of how to promote ecological civilization from the aspects of philosophy, politics, economy, culture and education. Their research shows that to build ecological civilization, firstly, Marxist ideology and equipment are indispensable. Because Marx’s thought contains rich ecological thought and strong sense of social responsibility. Second, the constructive postmodern thinking and Chinese traditional wisdom that contemporary Western countries are increasingly booming are also valuable resources urgently needed for the construction of ecological civilization. Finally, the current educational concept and The reform of education system is also urgently needed for the construction of ecological civilization. Ecological civilization urgently calls for a hotland education.
该文探讨原发性高血压(essential hypertension,EH)患者血清醛固酮和Ⅲ型前胶原氨基端肽(N-terminal peptide of procollagen Ⅲ,PⅢNP)水平与左心室几何构型的关系。方法 :
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