Analysis on the Conflict Talk Between Friends in \\"Friends\\" from the Perspective of

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We all enjoy being together with friends,which,of course,is one of the reasons why the sitcom Friends has been so popular.However,no matter how close the friendship is,conflicts cannot be avoided.Thus knowing the format of conflict talk is good for friends to find out the best way to abstain from speech conflicts.Taking several quarreling situations in the sitcom Friends as examples,this paper analyzes the format of conflict talk between friends from the perspective of Politeness Theory. We all enjoy being together with friends, which, of course, is one of the reasons why the sitcom Friends has been so popular.However, no matter how close the friendship is, conflicts can not be avoided .hus knowing the format of conflict talk is good for friends to find out the best way to abstain from speech conflicts. Tware several quarreling situations in the sitcom Friends as examples, this paper analyzes the format of conflict talk between friends from the perspective of Politeness Theory.
摘 要:随着教育改革的不断深入和发展,近些年来,对于留守儿童的教育问题越来受到社会的廣泛关注,留守儿童是当下受教育者当中属于弱势群体的一部分,因此对于他们的教育问题应该采取一些特殊的手段去进行教育,本文以农村的留守儿童为例,对留守儿童当中的在受教育过程中学习习惯培养的问题进行研究和阐述。  关键词:班主任;农村留守儿童;学习习惯  中图分类号:G635.1 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7
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