Multicolor pattern scan laser for diabetic retinopathy with cataract

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolaile999
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· AIM: To evaluate the ability of various laser wavelengths in delivering sufficient burns to the retina in eyes with cataract using a new multicolor pattern scan laser with green(532 nm), yellow(577 nm), and red(647 nm)lasers.·METHODS: The relationship between the Emery-Little(EL) degree of cataract severity and the laser wavelength required to deliver adequate burns was investigated in102 diabetic eyes. Treatment time, total number of laser shots, and intra-operative pain were assessed as well.·RESULTS: All EL-1 grade eyes and 50% of EL-2 eyes were successfully treated with the green laser, while 50%of EL-2 eyes, 96% of EL-3 eyes, and 50% of EL-4 eyes required the yellow laser. The red laser was effective in the remaining 4% of EL-3 and 50% of EL-4 eyes.·CONCLUSION: Longer wavelength lasers are more effective in delivering laser burns through cataract when we use a multicolor pattern scan laser system. · AIM: To evaluate the ability of various laser wavelengths to deliver burns to the retina in eyes with cataract using a new multicolor pattern scan laser with green (532 nm), yellow (577 nm), and red (647 nm) lasers. · METHODS: The relationship between the Emery-Little (EL) degree of cataract severity and the laser wavelength required to deliver adequate burns was investigated in102 diabetic eyes. Treatment time, total number of laser shots, and intra-operative pain were assessed as well . RESULTS: All EL-1 grade eyes and 50% of EL-2 eyes were successfully treated with the green laser, while 50% of EL-2 eyes, 96% of EL-3 eyes, and 50% of EL- 4 The red laser was effective in the remaining 4% of EL-3 and 50% of the EL-4 eyes. · CONCLUSION: Longer wavelength lasers are more effective in delivering laser burns through cataract when we use a multicolor pattern scan laser system.
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