
来源 :钢铁研究总院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baoze65833
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本文对铁基非晶合金获得恒导磁性能提出了一种新的热处理方法,即高温长时间热处理方法。新方法和通常所用的加横向磁场热处理方法相比,因不需加磁场,既省去了产生横向磁场的大螺线管,也可省去为减小退磁因子而加的纯铁极头,因此简化了设备和工艺过程,并使所处理的铁芯尺寸不再受螺线管和极头尺寸的限制,制造大尺寸的恒导磁铁心变成可能。新方法另一明显优点是同一成分合金经不同高温处理可获得一系列μ值的恒导磁材料,而一般横磁处理同一成分的合金只能得到某一定值的恒导磁率合金。 In this paper, a new method of heat treatment is proposed for the permanent magnetic properties of Fe-based amorphous alloys, which is the high temperature and long time heat treatment. Compared with the commonly used method of applying transverse magnetic field heat treatment, the new method not only eliminates the need for a magnetic field, eliminates the need for a large solenoid that generates a transverse magnetic field, and eliminates the need for a pure iron pole to reduce the demagnetizing factor. As a result, equipment and processes are simplified, and the size of the iron core being processed is no longer limited by the size of the solenoid and the tip, making it possible to manufacture a large-sized constant-permeability core. Another obvious advantage of the new method is that a series of constant permeability magnetic materials of the same value can be obtained by different high temperature treatments of alloys with the same composition, whereas alloys with the same composition usually can only obtain certain values ​​of constant magnetic permeability alloys.
本文介绍了1MV电子束辐照L Y-12硬铝产生热击波的实验中所采用的石英压电测量系统,并给出了电子束热击波和层裂的实测结果。结果表明,层裂的实测值与计算值基本符合。 In th
研究了类金属 Si 和 B对(Fe_(80)Ni_(20))_(78)Si_2B_(22-x) 系非晶磁性合金居里温度T_c 和晶化温度T_x 的影啊。实验发现,随Si 含量的增加(或随 B 含量的减少),T_c 降低,T_x
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一、绪言 1930年以来对W-Ni-Fe烧结合金进行了广泛的研究,力求改善其机械性能,扩大其在高强度部件上的应用范围。初期,Kfock对W-Ni-Fe烧结合金机械性能进行了探讨,而后,Ekbo