
来源 :大学图书馆学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phf
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全国高等学校图书情报工作委员会(1987年6月以前的名称为全国高等学校图书馆工作委员会,简称图工委)成立已有十年了。这十年来,在党的基本路线指导下,在各级领导、政府部门、学校的重视支持下,我国的高校图书情报事业在适应高等教育事业的发展方面取得了巨大的进展。可以说过去的十年是建国以来高校图书馆事业发展最快的十年。仅从如下统计数字的比较,就可以看出这十年的成就: 1980年时对675所高校图书馆统计,馆舍建筑面积为132万平方米,藏书总量1亿9千 It has been ten years since the establishment of the Library and Information Service Committee of the National Institute of Higher Learning (June 1987, formerly known as the National Academic Libraries Working Committee, hereinafter referred to as the “Working Committee”). Over the past decade, under the guidance of the party’s basic line and under the great support of leaders at all levels, government departments and schools, tremendous progress has been made in the library and information service in our country in adapting to the development of higher education. It can be said that the past ten years have been the fastest-growing decade for the university library since the founding of the People’s Republic. The successes of these ten years can only be seen from the comparison of the following statistics: Statistics on 675 university libraries in 1980 show that the building area of ​​the library is 1.32 million square meters, that of the collection of books is 99 million
Analytical propagation expression of a super Lorentz-Gauss(SLG) 01 mode in uniaxial crystal orthogonal to the optical axis is derived.The SLG 01 mode propagatin
作者对19名红皮症伴非典型淋巴细胞(Sézary 综合症)的患者进行临床,组织病理学和细胞学的研究。19例患者中,12例男性,发生红皮症的平均年龄为64岁。女性7例其发病平均年龄
1975年在榆树县开门办学中,曾抢救一起病死牛肉中毒100余人,为吸取经验教训,现将其中记录完整者70例,加以临床分析报导。 发生经过 榆树县某生产队予1975年春开始先后病死耕