
来源 :大众电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FSACN
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拍摄每一部戏我都有一个使命,就是用电影帮助一些需要讲话的人讲话。一部电影投资那么多钱,我不能让观众们离开影院的时候什么都没有得到。张之亮大概是我采访过的最谦逊的导演了。记者赶到时,正赶上张之亮吃中饭,采访拖后了五分钟,为此他连连鞠躬道歉。有趣的是,在采访中张之亮偶尔打嗝,他竟像小孩一般羞得满脸通红,不好意思地解释:刚才吃饭太快了。张之亮的助理说,有一次剧组开会,张之亮坐在最里面,会开到一半,他有急事要出去,可又不想惊扰周围人起身,竟自己钻到桌子底下噌噌地爬了出去。尽管采访中张之亮反复表示,作为导演他资历不深,而且不是科班出身,能当上导演完全 I have a mission to film every movie, and I use movies to help people who need to talk. A movie investment so much money, I can not let the audience when leaving the theater did not get anything. Zhang Zhiliang is probably the most modest director I interviewed. When the reporter arrived, he was catching up with Zhang Zhiliang for dinner, and the interview lasted five minutes. To this end, he bowed and apologized again and again. Interestingly, in the interview, Zhang Liang occasionally hiccups, he was ashamed of a child generally flushed, embarrassed to explain: just eat too fast. Zhang Zhiliang’s assistant said that once the crew met, Zhang Zhiliang sat inside and halfway through. He was in a hurry to go out but he did not want to disturb the people around him and climbed out to the bottom of his desk. Although Zhang Zhiliang repeatedly said in the interview, as a director, he is not senior in qualifications, and is not a scientific background, can be a director completely
作品润例(2008年年底有效):中国画:2000元/平方尺;篆刻:2000元/方(4cm四字内)。 Works Yun example (end of 2008 effective): Chinese painting: 2000 yuan / square feet;
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Background:Although many investig ators have previously reported various ocular complications induced by vitrecto-my,little is known about post-opera tive morph
本文叙述ZrF_4—BaF_2—GdF_3系红外璃玻的合成及其某些性质的测定。 This paper describes the synthesis of ZrF 4 -BFF 2 -GdF 3 infrared glass and its determination
本文是笔者自从接触翻译以来,通读翻译著作,结合翻译大家们的观点,阐述自己对翻译理论,尤其是中西翻译理论差异的一些理解。 This essay is a brief introduction of transl
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