The Materials Evaluation of New Century College English Integrated Course

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  1. Introduction
  Teaching material plays a extremely important role in teaching, and it is the main basis for instructors to organize teaching activities, also the main media for learners to acquire knowledge and skills. This paper studies the theory of English language teaching materials evaluation in China and abroad, analyzes and evaluates the New Century College English Integrated Course systematically.
  2. Theories of English language teaching materials evaluation
  The research on English textbook evaluation has a long history, which can be traced back to 1960s. Thus far, many theoretical systems and evaluation standards have been formed. Cunningsworth (1984) believes that the choice of teaching materials has four principles and put forward the teaching evaluation from eight aspects: aims and approaches; design; language and organization; content; skills; topics; methodology; teacher s books; practical considerations. There are few people engaged in the research of textbook evaluation in China. Cheng (2011) in his book evaluation methods are divided into two categories: impressionistic evaluation and systematic evaluation.
  3. Brief Introduction to the textbook
  Integrated Course is the experts of Shanghai foreign language education press organized nearly 30 famous experts of English Majors in College English teaching, according to the Ministry of Education promulgated in 2007 of the teaching requirements. It focuses on cultivating students’ comprehensive ability of English application, especially listening and speaking ability.
  4. The Evaluation of Integrated Course
  4.1 Textbook arrangement
  To evaluate the teaching materials, we should first evaluate the guiding ideology of teaching, so as to grasp the direction of teaching materials from the macro (Cheng, 2011). The classroom teaching is mainly based on Text A, the teaching aim is to cultivate students’ reading ability to understand and change of thinking ability, learning writing vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric, to guide the students according to the text of opinions. Text B is designed to guide students to carry out independent learning, learning to teachers to check students’ autonomous learning based. Overall, the structure of textbook is clear.
  4.2 Content selection
  The text is mainly from the twentieth Century British and American publications and network articles, and the first note after the article annotated the source of the article. Genres include narrative, exposition and argumentation. Varied and interesting topics in a textbook can be a powerful factor in strengthening the motivation of the learners as well as teachers (Cunningsworth, 1995). Topics related to language, culture, society, life, ethics, education, sports, psychology. It follows the law from easy to difficult. Each textbook final vocabulary line is in accordance with the latest teaching requirements proposed by the “general and higher requirements”.   4.3 Preparation of exercises
  The exercises include consolidating vocabulary, grammar, word formation, Text A rewrite the cloze test, sentence translation (Chinese to English), passage translation (English to Chinese or Chinese to English), the theme of writing and appreciation of humor, it should be said that the ability to use multiple types of comprehensive training students’ language. Grammatical approaches tend to prevent students from being able to say what the material has the opportunity to develop oral skills and adapt to the learner ( Dickinson, 2010).
  4.4 Autonomous Learning
  Encourage learners to build their own learning strategies, develop self-learning ability( Penny, 2000). Text B aims to guide students to study independently, the number of narrative more. Most of the text is more difficult than the Text A slightly simple, reading comprehension exercises is easy. The general trend of the teaching method is to emphasize the importance of the factors of the learners in the teaching process(Zuo, 2002). In addition to Learning CD covers not only the students inside and outside the classroom teaching activities, but also add language exercises and songs, video etc.
  5. Conclusion
  Teaching material is the basis of teaching syllabus and the main source of students’ knowledge and skills. The choice of teaching materials, understanding, and use effectively affect the quality of teaching. As Dai and Wang (2005) point out, teachers should be assessed objectively textbooks, neither blindly rely on, is not completely abandoned, but to unearth its reasonable ingredient.
  [1]Cunningsworth,A.(1984).Evaluating and Selecting Teaching Materials.Oxford,Heienemann.
  【作者簡介】赵亮(1992- ),女,汉族,吉林大安人,渤海大学外国语学院,学科教学(英语)专业,研究生。
列队押送  8月21日,警察在墨西哥莫雷利亚国际机场看守一队准备登机的囚犯。 当日,大约200名犯人从墨西哥莫雷利亚被转移到一个未知地点。  ① 诺丁山狂欢节游行  8月26日,一位满脸泥土的表演者参加在英国伦敦举行的诺丁山狂欢节儿童日大游行活动。诺丁山狂欢节起源于1964年,由当时聚居在诺丁山地区的特立尼达移民发起。这一当年只有几支钢鼓乐队参加的节日如今演变成规模宏大的多元文化节。   ② 看看
【摘要】《中国英语能力等级量表》的出台对高职高专英语教学具有重要指导意义。本文从《量表》出台的背景、指导意义等方面着手,分析《量表》对高职高专教学策略及学习策略的各方面影响,着重提升高职高专英语教学水平。  【关键词】《中国英语能力等级量表》;高职高专英语;教学改革  【作者简介】常文静(1983-),女,汉族,山东东营人,山东现代学院基础部,助教,硕士,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学。  【基
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用手机听音乐时,很多人喜欢将音量开得较大,这会加速消耗手机电池的电量。如何在设置较小音量的前提下,通过其他方式提高手机音量、减少手机的耗电量?  我利用声反射原理,将手机放入不同形状和不同材质的物体内进行实验。  一、对比实验  1.筛选声反射体形状  用测试手机随机播放一首歌曲,如《我爱你中国》,手机音量设置固定,测试人员站在距离手机0.75m处试听。随后不改变歌曲和手机的音量设置,将播放歌曲的
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1911年“三·二九”起义失败后,广州城腥风血雨,由于朱执信在“三·二九”起义中已经暴露了身份,无法在广州继续活动,只得常驻香港同盟会南方支部机关。  1911年10月10日,湖北新军中的革命党人在武昌举旗起义,迅速占领武昌城。武昌的枪声一响,全国各地的革命党人,纷纷起来响应。朱执信等考虑到当时广东的具体形势,决定加紧策划在广州乃至广东举行各地武装起义,推翻清朝的广东政权。但是,由于新军及巡防营等
朱智红第一次到见到被弃的病残儿童时,命运就被改变。为救助这些被遗弃的残损的生命,朱智红付出了一切。被质疑,失去家庭,都没有打倒她。幸而一路向前,她终于遇到了同路人……  莫名的缘分:女护士为孤儿“众叛亲离”  2004年5月,母亲节前夕,朱智红成为中华骨髓库的捐献志愿者。也是在那天,她第一次去福利院看望孤残弃婴,此后十几年来,她说:“一直忘不了孩子们的眼神!”  朱智红的童年里有太多遗憾。她出生在
上世纪80年代,马尔克斯带有魔幻般现实主义的小说《百年孤独》给中国刚刚解冻的文学带来了巨大冲击,文学青年们将其奉为圭臬,马尔克斯在中国瞬间俘获了大批粉丝。  “《霍乱时期的爱情》是我最好的作品,是我发自内心的创作。”加西亚·马尔克斯在获得诺贝尔文学奖4年之后,完成了这部小说。8月28日,出版方为中文版《霍乱时期的爱情》举行了首发仪式。据说读过这部小说的人超过20亿,而对中国读者来说,他们曾经看到的
【摘要】高校综合英语课程是高校英语教学中的一个重点课程,能有效提高学生的英语综合能力。基于语篇分析理论,构建高校综合英语教学的新模式,提高学生对英语的综合运用能力,培养学生的英语自主学习能力和研究能力,让学生的学习积极性得到提升。  【关键词】语篇分析理论;高校综合英语;教学模式;构建  【作者简介】门月圆,新乡学院,助教,研究方向:语言学。  一、语篇与语篇分析理论  语篇首先是一个语义表达完整