
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellokitty420
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1980年,我国从孟加拉国引进信德紫胶虫,经过10年繁殖和多点扩散试验已获成功。该虫在我国的适生区为年平均温度22℃以上,最冷月平均温度14℃以上,绝对最低温度5℃以上(平流低温)或1℃以上(辐射低温)。此外,该虫对空气湿度适应幅度大,喜高温,耐干旱。其最宜适生地区的年平均温度则为23℃以上(平流低温)或1℃以上(辐射低温)。在这类地区,该胶虫一年可稳定地完成二个世代,泌胶量多,胶被厚,怀卵量高,繁殖力强。 In 1980, China imported Sindh lac insect from Bangladesh. After 10 years of breeding and multi-point spread tests, it has been successful. The insects in our country suitable area for the annual average temperature above 22 ℃, the coldest month average temperature above 14 ℃, the absolute minimum temperature above 5 ℃ (advection low temperature) or 1 ℃ above (radiation low temperature). In addition, the worm to adapt to the large range of air humidity, Hi hi, drought-resistant. The annual average temperature in the most suitable habitat is above 23 ℃ (advection low temperature) or above 1 ℃ (radiation low temperature). In such areas, the insects can be completed one year in a stable manner for two generations, the amount of gel secretion, plastic thick, high fecundity, fertility.
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