
来源 :郑州师范教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuobin0904
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教育是充盈和洋溢着鼓励、信任、赞赏的艺术,而非弥漫和充斥着压制、猜忌、苛责的毫无生机的萧索活动。良性的教育呼唤赏识、崇尚尊重、讲求艺术。赏识艺术的合理运用,具有挖掘未成年人的道德潜能、培养未成年人的道德责任感、促进未成年人改过迁善的教育价值,其对未成年人德行的促进意义不言而喻。利用赏识艺术培养未成年人良好的道德品质,需运用明确具体、针对性强的语言赞赏未成年人的行为;坚持精神激励为主、物质奖励为辅的艺术手段;将赏识教育和批评教育有机结合起来;培养未成年人自我悦纳和自我鉴赏的能力。 Education is an art filled with encouragement, trust and appreciation rather than a perplexed and demoralized activity that is full of repression, suspicion and blame. Positive education calls for appreciation, respect and emphasis on art. Appreciating the rational use of art has the potential of tapping the moral potential of minors, cultivating the moral sense of responsibility of minors and promoting the educational value of minors who have been converted to good ones, which is of great significance to the promotion of minors’ virtue. The use of appreciation of art to cultivate the moral integrity of minors, the need to use clear and specific, targeted language appreciation of minors behavior; adhere to the main spiritual incentives, supplemented by material incentives artistic means; appreciation of education and criticism of organic education Combine; develop the ability of minors to be self-satisfied and self-appreciative.
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In the study of the application effectiveness of deep-hole controlled pre-splittingblasting technology,it was found through laboratory micro test and field stu
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应用模糊集理论,把事件发生的概率描述为一模糊数。对柴油机动力装置主润滑系统进行了故障树定量分析,较好地克服了柴油机动力装置故障树分析中统计数据不足及变化等问题。 Ap