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随着经济全球化的发展以及我国加入世贸组织 ,政府对经济和其它公共事务管理的体制和方式必将发生变化。因此 ,有必要丰富中国公务员在经济和管理方面的新知识 ,扩展他们的战略远见以及掌握管理方法 ,帮助他们有效地应对变动了的公共政策环境。“MPA”即公共管理硕士 ,旨在培养政府部门及非政府公共机构的高层次、应用型专门人才 ,培养领导能力 ,提升解决公共问题的水平。作为一个新兴的专业学位 ,MPA正日益成为各界人士关注的焦点。我国MPA教育 ,自 2 0 0 1年 2 4所MPA试点院校招生工作全面展开 ,进入了一个实施和初步探索的阶段。随着首批MPA学员将在今年年底毕业 ,以及今年又新增 2 3所MPA试点院校 ,我国MPA教育进入一个阶段性的经验总结阶段 ,一个在探索的基础上积极而又谨慎的发展新阶段。在“探索、充实、巩固、提高”的MPA工作方针指导下 ,如何来总结MPA发展经验 ,规范、完善MPA培养的环节 ,做好MPA的教育试点探索工作 ,以进一步提高试点院校MPA的教育水平 ,推动MPA教育事业的健康发展 ,是我们当前面临的主要任务。为此我们特别约请了有关领导 ,在本期《CPA评论》中推出了MPA专栏 ,对相关问题进行了探讨。全国公共管理硕士专业学位教育指导委员会副主任委员纪宝成指出 ,作为MPA专业学位教育 ,怎? With the development of economic globalization and China’s accession to the WTO, the government’s system and approach to managing the economy and other public affairs will surely change. Therefore, it is necessary to enrich the new knowledge of Chinese civil servants in economy and management, expand their strategic foresight and grasp the management methods so that they can effectively cope with the changed public policy environment. MPA is a master’s degree in public administration. It aims to cultivate high-level and applied-type professionals in government departments and non-government public institutions, cultivate leadership skills and raise the level of solving public problems. As a new professional degree, MPA is increasingly becoming the focus of attention from all walks of life. MPA education in our country has started its enrollment process from 24 MPA pilot institutions in 2001 in an all-round way and has entered into an implementation and preliminary exploration stage. With the graduation of the first batch of MPA trainees by the end of this year and the addition of 23 new MPA pilot institutions this year, MPA education in our country has entered a phase of experience-summed up phase and a positive and cautious development based on exploration stage. Under the guidance of MPA working guideline of “exploration, substantiation, consolidation and improvement”, how to summarize the experience of MPA development, standardize and perfect the training of MPA, do a good job of MPA education pilot exploration so as to further enhance the education of MPA in pilot institutions Level, and promote the healthy development of MPA education is the main task we are currently facing. For this reason, we specially invited relevant leaders and launched the MPA column in this issue of “CPA Review” to discuss related issues. Ji Baocheng, vice chairman of the National Public Management Master’s Degree Education Steering Committee, pointed out that as an MPA professional degree education, how?
老刘是一家大型房地产开发企业的总经理,公司总裁刚刚组织召开了一个新项目论证会议。  会议一结束,老刘拿着一大叠文件匆匆忙忙地跑回自己的办公室,一边仔细地阅读文件,一边拿着笔在笔记本上写着;过了一会儿,老刘又拿着文件和笔记本冲出办公室。  老刘快速走进小李的办公室,小李正在忙着另一个项目的设计,这个项目非常急迫,以至于小李有好几个星期都没有休息了,到现在整个设计任务才进行到一半。  老刘走近小李,把
我心里窃喜:  他喜欢我,一定肯为我花钱  我穿着一条蓝色的超短裙,高跟鞋,化了妆,和阿雨一起几个女孩子,站在两个男人面前,他们的目光在我们身上放肆地扫来扫去。音乐鼓点震得人微微发抖,我很害怕,又很激动——那是2012年10月的某一天,我第一次做陪唱。  和其他的陪唱女孩都不一样,我有稳定的工作。我是护士,一个不满足于现状的护士。成天加班考试应付病人,每个月才两千块的工资,拿这点钱去商场什么都买不