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针对隐性知识外包中知识转移的激励问题,提出一个四阶段动态博弈模型:第一阶段客户设计激励合约;第二阶段服务商决定是否接受合约;第三阶段服务商决定转移的知识量;第四阶段客户决定产品产量。通过对模型的求解和分析,得出激励合约的特征,客户激励的有效性以及影响服务商知识转移的因素,为客户隐性知识外包的有效激励提供决策依据。 Aiming at the incentive problem of knowledge transfer in tacit knowledge outsourcing, a four-stage dynamic game model is proposed: the first stage customer design incentive contract; the second stage service provider decides whether to accept the contract; the third stage service provider decides the transfer knowledge volume; Four-stage customer determines product yield. Through the solution and analysis of the model, the characteristics of the incentive contract, the effectiveness of customer incentive and the factors that affect the knowledge transfer of service providers are obtained, which can provide decision-making basis for the effective incentive of customer’s tacit knowledge outsourcing.
苏轼与佛印是好朋友,经常在一起谈论诗文,有时也对对联。一次,苏轼想诱使佛印开荤,就请他以游湖为名,把佛印请到了一只小船上。当船撑到一个僻静的地方时,苏轼把佛印请到 Su
Bi_2Fe_4O_9 nanoparticles were prepared at low temperature via a facile, one-step hydrothermal synthesis process using iron(Ⅱ) nitrate nonahydrate(Fe(NO_3)_3·
目前建设监理在我国尚是一项年轻的事业,监理市场中存在着许多亟待规范、解决的问题。 一、当前存在的主要问题 1.建设监理法规尚不健全,致使监理工作的执法力度不够,影响了
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(一)楚工官制度 管理百工的长官,古代习称司空,周金中也作司工,春秋以后,中原诸国多称工正,南方的楚国独称工尹,见于《左传》文十年,宣十二年,成十六年,昭十二、十九、二十
云计算与云平台云计算(cloud computing)是基于互联网的相关服务的增加、使用和交付模式,通常通过互联网来提供动态易扩展且经常是虚拟化的资源。云是网络、互联网的一种比喻