Microstructure Morphologies of Asphalt Binders using Atomic Force Microscopy

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andrew142
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We investigated microstructure morphologies of three asphalts(SK, Karamay, and Esso) used in China using atomic force microscopy(AFM). The topography and phase contrast images were obtained. Topographic profile and three dimensional images were described. Roughnesses of microstructure were calculated. And the chemical compositions of asphalt were tested to explain the microstructural mechanism of the asphalt. The results show that the topography and phase image in atomic force microscopy are appropriate to evaluate the microstructure of the asphalt binder. There are significant differences in microstructural morphologies including bee-like structure, topographic profile, 3D image, and roughness for three asphalts in this study. There are three different phases in microstructure of asphalt binder. The oil source and chemical composition of asphalt, especially asphaltenes content have a great influence on the microstructure. We investigated microstructure morphologies of three asphalts (SK, Karamay, and Esso) used in China using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Topographic profiles and three dimensional images were described. Roughnesses of microstructure were calculated. And the chemical compositions of asphalt were tested to explain the microstructural mechanism of the asphalt. The results show that the topography and phase image in atomic force microscopy are appropriate to evaluate the microstructure of the asphalt binder. There are significant differences in microstructural morphologies including bee -like structure, topographic profile, 3D image, and roughness for three asphalts in this study. There are three different phases in microstructure of asphalt binder. The oil source and chemical composition of asphalt, especially asphaltenes content have a great influence on the microstructure.
某天,当我们回到家,面对高兴忙碌的爷爷奶奶、父亲母亲,忽然发现他们曾经在我们心中挺拔的身形变的矮小,步伐乱了,背驼了,腰也直不起来了……时间不知不觉地偷走了他们的年纪,也偷走了他们强韧的骨骼——骨质疏松,让他们成了脆弱的“玻璃人”。  人们常叹“人老了,骨就松了”,似乎骨质疏松,腰酸背痛,甚至骨折,是因年龄增长而不可避免的生理过程,然而随着全球人口老龄化,骨质疏松症已经成为影响中老年人生活质量的“
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