
来源 :社会发展研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianyong1
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当前关于中国农村女性就业的讨论主要基于对外出务工的女性农民工的研究,对本地化用工和女性就近就业的研究相对较少。基于我们在山东省3地企业的田野调查,本研究探讨本地化用工形势下,农村女性就业在微观个人层面和家庭层面的意义。研究发现,农村女性就业的目的和意义有了新的内涵和变化,这主要表现在女性的迁移和就业决定中,更为兼顾照料和家庭生活需求。处于不同人生阶段和生命周期的女性对就业的意义有不同的理解,婚姻和生育状况影响女性的就业目的,其中,已婚女性更为关注家庭生活需求。整体而言,农村女性就业既具有一定的工具理性,也具有一定的价值理性,但就业女性仍然禁锢在传统的性别观念、家庭性别分工和父权意识的藩篱中。这些因素不仅影响女性的就业目的,还影响女性对自身未来和发展的规划。最后,由于当前中国的社会和经济发展形势对劳动者的人力资本有了更高和更为多元化的要求,本文提出应当对农村女性的发展有更为长远的考虑,应当更加重视提升农村地区女性的受教育水平和人力资本投资。 The current discussion on female employment in rural China is based mainly on the study of female migrant workers who are migrant workers, with relatively few studies on the employment of local workers and the employment of women in recent employment. Based on our field survey of three enterprises in Shandong Province, this study explored the significance of rural women’s employment at the micro and micro level as well as at the family level under the situation of localized employment. The study finds that there are new connotations and changes in the purpose and significance of rural women’s employment. This is mainly reflected in the decision of women’s migration and employment, and more attention to the needs of care and family life. Women at different stages of life and life cycle have different understandings of the meaning of employment. Marital and reproductive status affect the employment purpose of women. Among them, married women pay more attention to the needs of family life. Overall, rural women’s employment has both instrumental rationality and value rationality. However, employed women are still imprisoned in the traditional fence of gender, family gender division and patriarchal ideology. These factors affect not only the employment purpose of women but also women’s planning of their own future and development. Finally, given the current situation of social and economic development in China, which has higher and more diversified demands on laborers’ human capital, this article proposes that we should give more consideration to the development of rural women and pay more attention to improving rural areas Female education level and human capital investment.
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