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小铃找朋友适宜年龄:1.5—2岁对于小年龄段的宝宝而言,点名游戏首先要让他们能听懂别人问他名字的指令,能够说出自己的名字,理解名字的意义,并提高语言能力。同时,游戏中也渗透着社会交往、规则和礼貌等方面教育。游戏目标:鼓励宝宝大胆说话,能够说完整的话;指导家长了解2岁婴幼儿语言发展的特点——能说完整的简单句。游戏准备:背景音乐、铃铛一个。游戏过程教师面带微笑,有节奏地自我介绍;“宝宝好!大家好!欢迎宝宝来游戏!我是×××老师,宝宝告诉我,你是谁?”配班教师在任意一名宝宝的耳边轻轻敲击一下小铃。该宝宝家长引导宝宝作自我介绍:“老师好!大家好!我是×××,我的朋友多!多!多!”依次轮流,指导每名宝宝都说过为止。最后,教师带着家长和宝宝,一起说:“宝宝好!大家好!我向大家挥挥手!我们都是好!朋!友!”说到“好朋友”时,拍三下手。指导策略活动中,教师应注意语言准确、简练,还应提示家长避免包办代替。活动后,教师应向家长介绍一些在家提高宝宝语言能力的方法。(北京海淀区万寿路街道翠微幼儿国邢娜) Small bell to find a friend Suitable age: 1.5-2 years old For babies of a younger age, the first name game to enable them to understand others ask him the name of the command, be able to say their name, understand the meaning of the name and improve language skills. At the same time, the game also permeates social education, rules and courtesy education. Objectives of the game: Encourage the baby to speak boldly and be able to speak the full story; guide the parents to understand the characteristics of the language development of 2-year-old infants and young children - to be able to say a complete simple sentence. Game preparation: background music, a bell. The process of the game teachers with a smile, rhythmic self-introduction; “Baby! Hello everyone! Welcome to the game! I am × × × teacher, the baby told me, who are you?” With class teacher in any one Gently tap the baby’s ear bell. The baby parents guide the baby for self introduction: “Hello teacher! Hello! I am × × ×, my friends and more! More! More!” Followed by turns, each baby has been instructed so far. Finally, the teacher took the parents and the baby together and said: “Baby! Hello everyone! I waved to you guys! We are all good friends! Friends!” When it comes to "good friend . In guiding strategic activities, teachers should pay attention to language accuracy and conciseness, and should also advise parents to avoid arranging for replacement. After the activity, teachers should brief parents on some ways to improve their baby’s language skills at home. (Haidian District, Wanshou Lu Cuiwei nursery child care street)
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