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美丽印记跟很多人一样,张文成也喜欢听罗大佑那首《光阴的故事》。已过花甲,但从他的身上依然可以看得到如年轻人一样的活力和激情。在村党委书记的职位上,辛苦了大半生,回首时,他总有无限的感慨。借力国家的好政策,辽宁省兴城市四家村在他的带领下走向了富裕的道路。而他,近40年的辛苦,如他在日记中记载的那样:“几乎没有过休息日,自己记不清有多少次腿拉伤摔倒在工地,记不清有多少次汗水和泪水交织一起……这一切,只为了让信任自己的乡亲们走向富裕!”这铿锵的告白,是一个全国人大代表、一位老共产党员的情怀,张文成用他厚重的事实向世人证明,有一种精神叫做奉献与担当…… Beautiful imprint Like many people, Zhang Wencheng also likes to listen to Luo Da You that song “time story.” Has been a flower, but from his body can still see as young people the same vitality and passion. In the position of secretary of the village party committee, worked hard most of her life, looking back, he always had infinite emotion. With the good policy of the country, Si Jia Village, Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province, under his leadership, has moved on to a prosperous path. And he, nearly 40 years of hard work, as he recorded in his diary: “There is almost no rest day, I can not remember how many times the leg injury fell to the site, can not remember how many times the sweat and tears Intertwined ... all this, in order to let our faithful folks go wealthy! ”This sonorous confession is the feeling of a NPC deputy and an old communist member. Zhang Wencheng proved to the world his massive facts, There is a spirit called dedication and commitment
Several special mechanical properties, such as dilatancy and compressibility, of cemented paste backfill (CPB) are controlled by its internal microstructure and
We investigated the critical influence of in-situ nanoparticles on the mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of high-strength steel. The results
金胡新村之所以有今天的发展,与自身丰富的矿产资源有着莫大的关系。但是,金胡新村的发展经历又与全国很多资源型村庄有着很大的区别。丰富的矿产资源满足了金胡经济的需求,但村里用资源换取的经济价值充分用在了农民致富和环境治理上,并且很早就拉开转型序幕。  致富忙  金胡新村隶属于千山区齐大山镇,是原来金家岭、胡家庙、白家堡、肖家堡四个自然村合并而成的新村称谓。曾经,胡家庙村是七山一水二分田的贫困山村,年人
国家发展和改革委日前修订并发布了《产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)》,新目录于6月1日正式施行。2005年,国务院印发《关于发布实施的决定》。 The National Development a
The mechanical, thermal and ablation properties of carbon phenolic (C-Ph) composites (Type-I) rein-forced with different weight percentages of organo-modified m