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入世半年多的浙江,WTO的滋味浅尝。我们既感受到外资加速进入、出口高速增长的喜悦,也体味了反倾销以及各种国际贸易壁垒的困扰。国际市场的风云变幻告诉我们,要最大限度地收获经济全球化的“甜”,避免国际贸易的“苦”,就必须找出我省现行体制中不适应的方面,尽快建立符合世贸规则和国际贸易惯例的新的经济运行机制。根据我们在《2002年浙江经济形势夏季分析报告》中所提出的问题,省经济信息中心预测处组织力量就“浙江如何接轨国际”进行了进一步研究。我们认为,在积极做好反倾销应诉工作的同时,必须认真审视行业协会建设和标准化建设问题,加快浙江经济运行机制及生产标准与国际接轨的步伐。 More than six months after entering WTO, the taste of WTO taste. We not only feel the joy of foreign investment accelerated its rapid growth but also understand the problems of anti-dumping and various international trade barriers. The changing situation in the international market tells us that in order to maximize the “sweetness” of economic globalization and avoid the “bitterness” in international trade, we must find out the unmatchable aspects of the existing system in our province and establish as soon as possible a policy that meets the requirements of the WTO rules and international standards New Economic Operational Mechanism of Trade Practices. According to the questions raised in the “Summer Analysis Report on the Economic Situation of Zhejiang in 2002”, the organizational strength of the forecast office of the Provincial Economic Information Center conducted a further study on “How Zhejiang is in line with international standards.” In our opinion, while proactively responding to anti-dumping cases, we must conscientiously examine the construction and standardization of trade associations and speed up the pace with which Zhejiang’s economic operation mechanism and production standards are in line with international standards.
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