Magnetically rotational reactor for absorbing benzene emissions by ionic liquids

来源 :China Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LITAO14073164
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A magnetically rotational reactor (MRR) has been developed and used in absorbing benzene emissions. The MRR has a permanent magnet core and uses magnetic ionic liquid [bmim]FeCl4 as absorbent. Benzene emissions were carried by N2 into the MRR and were absorbed by the magnetic ionic liquid. The rotation of the permanent magnet core provided impetus for the agitation of the magnetic ionic liquid, enhancing mass transfer and making benzene better dispersed in the absorbent. 0.68 g benzene emissions could be absorbed by a gram of [bmim]FeCl4, 0.27 and 0.40 g/g higher than that by [bmim]PF6 and [bmim]BF4, respectively. The absorption rate increased with increasing rotation rate of the permanent magnet. The magnetically rotational reactor (MRR) has been developed and used in absorbing benzene emissions. The MRR has a permanent magnet core and uses magnetic ionic liquid [bmim] FeCl4 as absorbent. Benzene emissions were carried by N2 into the MRR and were absorbed by the The rotation of the permanent magnet core provided impetus for the agitation of the magnetic ionic liquid, enhancing mass transfer and making benzene better dispersed in the absorbent. 0.68 g benzene emissions could be absorbed by a gram of [bmim] FeCl4, 0.27 and 0.40 g / g higher than that by [bmim] PF6 and [bmim] BF4, respectively. The absorption rate increased with increasing rotation rate of the permanent magnet.
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