76毫米的AK47 俄罗斯AK-176舰炮

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中口径舰炮作为多型水面战斗舰艇的主炮,在舰载导弹广泛应用的现代战争中,仍然发挥着不可替代的作用。在新原理中口径舰炮尚未投入使用之前,中口径舰炮还是对岸火力支援与打击海上低威胁目标的有效武器,而且舰炮与弹药技术的发展又赋予它新的活力,还将成为防空反导的重要武器装备。对舰炮口径序列的划分,目前各国海军尚无统一标准。就中口径舰炮而言,上限有的划到120毫米,下限划到76.2毫米 As the main guns of multi-type surface combat ships, medium-caliber naval guns still play an irreplaceable role in the modern war where ship-borne missiles are widely used. Before the caliber naval guns were not put into use in the new principle, the medium caliber naval gun was also an effective weapon for firepower support and counter-attack on low-threat targets at sea and the development of naval gun and ammunition technologies gave it a new vitality. It would also become an anti- Guide the important weapons and equipment. The classification of naval gun caliber sequence, at present there is no uniform standard for all navies. For medium-caliber naval guns, the upper limit is 120mm and the lower limit is 76.2mm
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目前,俄罗斯专家怀疑,上个月俄一颗卫星遭到了美国的偷袭。理由是3月7日,这颗名为“塔吉娅娜”的微型卫星突然失灵时,正好位于美国上空,而同一天美国曾进行导弹发射。虽然“太空战”的概念已经出现很久了,但用反卫星武器将别国的卫星击落,或将别国的卫星“打瞎”的事情,此前在国际上还从未听说过。目前美国方面对此说法还没有做出任何回应。  截至2005年4月份,在地球轨道运行的各种用途的人造卫星共有849颗,其
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