Application and improvement of an adaptive ensemble Kalman filter for soil moisture data assimilatio

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:octaaug
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Accurate assignment of model and observation errors is crucial for the successful application of land surface data assimilation algorithms. Poorly-specified model and observation errors can significantly degrade assimilation results. In 2008, Reichle et al. developed an operational procedure to adaptively tune model and observation errors. In this paper, we modified and applied Reichle’s procedure in the Noah land surface model to assimilate observed surface soil moisture data. Numerical simulations showed that: (1) the best estimate of model and observation errors appears when the empirical factor β equals 1.02; (2) the Reichle procedure can be deployed to adaptively tune errors if their true values change slowly; and (3) convergence of the Reichle procedure was improved using better initial errors achieved by iterative computations. Accurate assignment of model and observation errors is crucial for the successful application of land surface data assimilation algorithms. Poorly-specified model and observation errors can significantly degrade assimilation results. In 2008, Reichle et al. Developed an operational procedure to adaptively tune model and observation errors. In this paper, we modified and applied Reichle’s procedure in the Noah land surface model to assimilate observed surface soil moisture data. Numerical simulations showed that: (1) the best estimate of model and observation errors appears when the empirical factor β equals 1.02 ; (2) the Reichle procedure can be deployed to adaptively tune errors if their true values ​​change slowly; and (3) convergence of the Reichle procedure was improved using better initial errors achieved by iterative computations.
The interaction between lateral root system of woody plant and soil mass is similar to the one between shrub, herbage and soil mass, and has the effect of frict
爱因斯坦曾经说过:“提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更重要”.这一句话已成为新课改中教师们的共识.一个人若没有问题,哪来的创新可言?要保护和发展小学生的创造性,首先要从培养小学生的问题意识入手.因此,培养学生的问题意识,提高学生的质疑问题的能力,具有十分重要的意义.那么如何培养学生的问题意识,让学生敢于提问,学会提问,善于提问,在提问中获取新知呢?笔者谈谈在教学中的研究和认识:  一、营造自由氛围,
In arid and semiarid areas,water uptake (non-rainfall water) serves as an important water source for plants,biological soil crusts,insects and small animals.In