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建立先进的技术革新体制,从引进和模仿先进技术转变为独立开发技术构筑以需要为中心的技术开发体制和科研成果转化体制在1997年底发生的亚洲金融危机中,韩国是首当其冲的受害国之一。一年多来,韩国有关人士一直在总结其中的经验教训。很多专家认为,引发金融危机的因素虽然有很多,但其中一个重要的原因是国家科研体制陈旧,科技创新的能力不强,从而使国家经济在风浪面前缺乏牢固的根基。应该说韩国各届政府一直比较重视科技在国家发展中的作用。早在1997年7月,韩国政府就制定了“1997~2002年科技发展五年计划”。这项计划的总目标是确保战略性核心领域的独创性技术革新力量,并在21世纪初在综合科技力方面赶上西方发达国家水平。其主攻方向是建立先进的技术革新体制,从引进和模仿先进技术转变为独立开发技术;通过官方和民间团体的不同作用,合理地分配有限的科研预算,改善科研管理体制,提高投资效益;构筑以需要为中心的技术开发体制和科研成果转化体制。同时,“五年计划”还提出了各部门、各领域的重点研究项目。但是,这个机制内部还存在一些问题,如投资项目重复、科技成果转化为产品的周期比较长等。金大中政府1998年初执政后,并没有急于修改前政府 Establish advanced technological innovation system and shift from introducing and imitating advanced technologies to developing technologies independently Develop a system of needs-centered technological development and transformation of scientific research achievements In the Asian financial crisis that took place at the end of 1997, South Korea was one of the first victims. For more than a year, relevant people in South Korea have been summing up the lessons learned. Many experts believe that although there are many factors that trigger the financial crisis, one of the important reasons is that the national scientific research system is outdated and its technological innovation capability is not strong. As a result, the national economy lacks a firm foundation for the storm. It should be said that all the governments in South Korea have always placed more emphasis on the role of science and technology in the development of the country. As early as July 1997, the South Korean government formulated the “Five-Year Plan for Science and Technology Development 1997-2002”. The overall goal of this plan is to ensure innovative technological innovations in the strategic core areas and to catch up with the developed countries in the 21st century in terms of comprehensive scientific and technological capabilities. The main direction is to establish advanced technological innovation system, from introducing and imitating advanced technology into independent development technology; through different roles of official and non-governmental organizations, rationally allocating limited scientific research budget, improving scientific research management system and improving investment returns; Need for the center of the technology development system and research achievements into the system. At the same time, the “Five-Year Plan” has also put forward key research projects in various departments and fields. However, there are still some problems within this mechanism, such as duplication of investment projects and the long period of conversion of scientific and technological achievements into products. After Kim Duk-chung administration came to power in early 1998, there was no eagerness to revise the former government
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