Analysis of Macro-Structure of Why Historians Disagree Lesson 3 of Contemporary College English Book

来源 :青年文学家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengyfei
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With the development of the study of text analysis and functional grammar,text teaching has gradually become an important method in foreign language teaching.In the field of text analysis,textual structure has always been linguists’ focus.After introducing researches on macro-structure of text,this paper gives a brief introduction to the text Why Historians Disagree,and then discusses how different macro-structure patterns are adopted in the text,at last draws implications for the teaching of intensive reading course. With the development of the study of text analysis and functional grammar, text teaching has gradually become an important method in foreign language teaching. The field of text analysis, textual structure has always been linguists’ focus.After introducing researches on macro-structure of text, this paper gives a brief introduction to the text Why Historians Disagree, and then discusses how different macro-structure patterns are adopted in the text, at last draws implications for the teaching of intensive reading course.
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