The Application of Direct Method on Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle Schools

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  Abstract:The fiction of language is communication. Oral English teaching is to foster students’ communicative competence. But our junior oral English teaching still adopt the traditional teaching method.Come up with some suggestion using the principles of Direct Method which the teaching language is related to culture, the classroom teaching should be students-centered, improving the ability of cooperative learning, organizing the classroom communicative activities and speaking English outside the classroom. Therefore, it improves students’ oral English competence and students get fluent oral English.
  Key words:Direct method; Traditional teaching method; Communicative activities
    一、The classroom communicative activities
    Speaking practice in traditional classroomoften takes this form of exercise: one person asked a question, another gives an answer. Questions and answers are structured, predictable, and often there is only one correct answer scheduled. The purpose of asking and answering questions is to demonstrate the ability to ask and answer questions.
    Instead, the real purpose of communication is to complete a task, such as transportation telephone information, obtaining information, or to express their views. In real communication, participants must manage what other people will say uncertainty. Authentic communication situation involves an information gap. Each participant has the messages, and others may have not this messages. In addition, in order to achieve their own goals, participants may be asked to clarify or confirm their understanding of its meaning.
    To create a sense of classroom activities that will develop interpersonal speaking skills, teachers must pay more attention on information gaps, and allow different forms of expression. However, only a few do not necessarily produce competent speakers. Teachers need to combine structured output activity, error correction and higher accuracy, and communicative output activity, so that students can get the opportunities to use the target language more free in practice.
    二、Speaking English outside the classroom
    However efficient a class is, the opportunity for students to practice speaking English is very much limited. So practicing speaking English outside the classroom is also very important.
    1. Making calls is an efficient method to speaking English
    In participating of these activities the students are trained to improve their communicative competence. For instance, they may be required to make a preparation for it.     2. Create a good environment for talk is another method to practice English, the meeting hall of the school, the garden of the city would be the good place.
    3. Setting up an English club is another idea
    A school English club is a great help to students. Teachers can choose reasonable topics for the students to discuss. These topics should relate to the students’ interests. The topic must be as easy as possible.
    4. Organizing English corner is another way to train the students’ ability.
    5. The students can develop their English from organizing English speaking contests. Through the preparation and delivery of a speech, students can reflect on their experiences and speak their minds while improving English skills.
    6. There are also other good ways to train English speaking skill. For examples: introducing oneself to a friend, asking for information, giving direction, making an appointment to see a doctor, booking a hotel room.
    7. Songs
    Singing gives the students a chance to relax from the pressure of lessons and it can reinforce the students’ interest in learning English.Such as, we can play a music <see you again>in the classroom, so the students may have some interests in learning English.
    8. Games
    The language game is a very popular activity in language learning.Forexample,there are have a hot game that it is named words domino in the oral English class.
    Today, English teaching in junior middle school is very important. English as an international language, we can not ignore its importance. However, language as a tool to communicate with others, we should not only know how to read or write it, but also need to speak it out fluency and accuracy.
摘要:数学是一门拥有长久历史的学科,具有很强的抽象性,在以前的教学过程中,都是比较死板的课本知识,大多都是公式套用,固定的定理套用.而在做题中如果一贯的套用公式可能并不能很好的解题,这个时候就需要逆向思维的锻炼.提升对思维能力强度的掌握,逆向思维可以更好的培养中学生的思维能力。  关键词:初中数学教学;逆向思维;培养习惯   自小的生存环境就会产生一定的习惯性,那么我们的思维也是如此。都具有一定
摘要:英语教学一直被视为教学的重点与难点,在高中阶段,英语知识的难度有了质的飞跃,为了使刚踏入高中校园的学生尽快的掌握高中英语学习模式,教师在教学的过程中,需要做好初高中英语教学的衔接问题。本文首先对初高中英语教学的差异进行分析,然后以新目标人教版高一教材为例,对初高中英语教学衔接策略进行探究,希望为相关人士提供有价值的参考。  关键词:初高中;英语教学;衔接过渡   英语课程是初高中课程体系中
摘要:初中英语阅读教学应重视核心素养的培养,英语核心素养建立者在英语能力的基础上,使学生在真正掌握英语之后并且能够良好使用英语进行表达、推理和判断,并提升个人英语学习能力的一种非常重要的素养。阅读教学是初中英语教学中的关键环节,因此应在英语阅读教学过程中对学生的核心素养进行培养。基于此,本文对如何在初中英语阅读教学中落实核心素养进行了分析。  关键词:初中英语;阅读教学;核心素养   引言:在初
摘要:音乐是小学阶段教学当中的一个重要科目,是提高学生综合素养,促进学生全面发展的重要教学内容,上好小学音乐课,可以有效提高学生的音乐审美能力和音乐素养,还能够陶冶学生情操,在一定程度上提高学生的道德品质,因此,小学音乐教师有必要结合音乐课程教学特点和小学阶段学生身心发展特点,针对如何上好音乐课进行深入研究。  关键词:小学音乐;课堂教学   引言:在传统小学音乐课堂教学过程中,通常使用教师引领
摘要:信息技术课程是小学课程体系中一门基础性课程,是学生了解信息技术的入门课程。在互联网飞速发展的今天,小学阶段接触信息技术的目的就是引导学生初步了解信息技术学科,并且掌握基本的操作技能和技巧。但是,学生在小学阶段信息技术相关的知识储备很有限,需要教师结合小学生的年龄特点和心理特点,从兴趣着手来开展教学。本文对如何增加学生对信息技术课程的兴趣进行了探讨。  关键词:信息技术;小学教学;兴趣培养  
摘要:幼儿时期是学生为今后学习和发展打下基础的黄金时期,但是幼儿在学习阶段大多具有无意识性以及随意性等特点,在这种特定环境的引导下,教师一定要注意采用多种教学手段对幼儿进行辅助教学,游戏教学因为对学生有着推动以及诱导作用,也逐渐成为一种广泛的教学方式,本文就游戏对幼儿教育起到的有利一面进行概括,并浅谈如何使用游戏对其进行引导。  关键词:幼儿教育;教育游戏;应用   目前我国的教育事业正处于不断
摘要:随着我国教育政策的不断推出,学校的教育体系也要随之改变,只有这样才能顺应未来教育行业的发展潮流,给学校带来更大的发展空间。现在国家比较重视对学校的现阶段校本课程进行改革,因為传统的校本课程已经无法满足教育的需求。尽管有国家的大力支持,但是学校在进行校本课程改革的过程中还是遇到了很多问题,所以接下来本文将会对基于传统文化的小学语文校本课程进行探究,并根据实际情况提出几点有效的建议。  关键词:
摘要:小组合作能够让学生在学习数学过程中感受彼此不同的思维方式和思维过程,既可以实现优势互补、促进知识建构,又可以培养学生与他人合作的意识和能力,产生学习数学的兴趣,提高学习数学的效率,对学生的终身发展都都有重大意义。  关键词:数学;小组合作;科学   小组合作式学习以学习小组为基本形式,利用教学中动态因素的互动开展学习活动,并以团体成绩作为评价标准,最终实现教学目标。《义务教育数学课程标准》
摘要:生物是初中课程教学的一部分,在新课标理念下,学习生物知识,不只是单纯地学习理论知识,更加注重学生们的情感体验,让学生们弄清生命的起源与存在的价值和意义。基于此,本文对生命教育在初中生物课程教学的渗透进行了分析,希望能够对初中生物教学提供一些参考。  关键词:生命教育;初中生物;渗透   前言   生命教育是德育工作的一部分,在初中生物教学中渗透生命教育,旨在帮助学生们理解生命、尊重生命、