
来源 :山西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shangwenqian
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畜牧事业是山区的一项主要生产事业,但是在黄土地区,植被覆盖度较低,可食性牧草过少,过度放牧往往造成林牧矛盾,加剧了水土流失。为此,合理地营造护牧林,有计划地改善天然牧场,恢复植被,很有必要。护牧林不仅可为畜牧业提供饲料,保障牧坡、草场免受水土冲刷,而且也是有机肥料的主要来源。山西省右玉县盘石岭村和偏关县营盘梁村营造护牧林,做到了以林促牧、以牧促农,迅速改变了自然面貌,效果很好。一般营造的柠条护牧林,5年后载畜量比一般草坡可提高10倍以上。3—4年生的人工沙棘护牧林,一亩半就可供一只羊全年的饲料,较一般草坡载畜量提高4.5倍, Livestock husbandry is a major production project in the mountainous areas. However, in the loess area, vegetation coverage is rather low and edible grass is too small. Excessive grazing often results in contradictions between forestry and livestock and aggravates water and soil erosion. To this end, it is necessary to rationally create a range of deforestation forests and plan to improve natural pastures and restore vegetation. Conservation forests not only feed livestock husbandry but also protect the grassland and grassland from soil and water erosion as well as the main source of organic fertilizer. Shanxi Province, Youyu County, Panshiling Village, and Pork Village, Yinchuan County, to create a range of animal husbandry and forest protection, so that the forest to promote animal husbandry, animal husbandry and animal husbandry to promote the rapid change of the natural landscape, the effect is very good. In general, the Caragana korshinskii conservation forest, after 5 years of carrying capacity than the general grass slope can be increased more than 10 times. 3-4 years of artificial seabuckthorn grazing forest, a mu and a half for a sheep year-round feed, compared with the general grassland carrying capacity increased by 4.5 times,
Recently,the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the Catalog of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(rev
介绍了动物性食品中兽药残留酶联免疫分析技术的原理、类型、技术环节和国内外的应用现状,并对其存在的问题和应用前景进行了讨论。 The principles, types, technical aspe