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低成本、小型轻质化和集成化无疑是光学陀螺的发展趋势,集成光波导陀螺就是在这种背景下提出来的.限于现有技术水平,目前该领域的研究仍处于初步阶段,未来一段时期内光波导陀螺的研究将主要集中在其核心器件(即耦合谐振腔)的材料研究与结构设计优化上.本文重点综述了慢光陀螺的相关理论与发展历程,光增益对光波导陀螺性能的影响以及快光增强型激光陀螺的研究与进展.由于波导传输损耗的限制,无源慢光陀螺相比传统光纤陀螺在灵敏度上并没有本质的提高,并且难以实现.因此,目前国际上主要尝试两种方案来解决该问题,即有源增益补偿的慢光陀螺和快光增强型激光陀螺,但两者还都属于新兴事物,目前尚未见有直接的实验与测试结果的报道,相关的理论分析和计算也需要进一步深入研究.我们也设计提出了一种新型的集成化快光增强型激光陀螺结构,预期会在光学陀螺的民用领域具有很大的应用潜力. Low cost, small size and integration are undoubtedly the development trend of optical gyroscopes, integrated optical waveguide gyroscopes are proposed in this context. Limited to the state of the art, the current research in this area is still in its infancy, the next period The research of optical waveguide gyroscope will mainly focus on the material research and structural design optimization of its core devices (ie, coupled resonator) .This paper reviews the related theory and development history of slow optical gyroscope, the optical gain gyroscope performance As well as the research and development of fast light-enhanced laser gyroscope.Compared with traditional fiber optic gyroscopes, the passive slow-gyroscope has no essential improvement in sensitivity and is difficult to realize due to the limitation of waveguide transmission loss.Therefore, Attempts to solve this problem are two solutions, namely, slow optical gyros and fast laser enhanced gyroscopes with active gain compensation. However, both of them are still new things, and no direct experimental and test results have been reported yet. Relevant Theoretical analysis and calculation also need further study.We also designed and proposed a new type of integrated fast light-enhanced laser gyro junction , It is expected to have great potential in the field of civil optical gyroscope.
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构式语法是近些年兴起的,以认知语言学为基础而建立的理论体系。它是形式和意义的匹配体,构式在具体词语缺席的情况下也有其自身的语义和语用功能。本文对构式语法的特点和应用形式进行概述,结合实际的句式进行浅析,理论与实际相结合,试图分析出构式语法的主要特点及其未来的研究方向。  【关键词】构式语法;认知语言学;浅析  构式语法在我国的传播率在逐年的上升,相关的研究、著作也应用到了汉语语法上,并且取得了非常
20 0 2年 6月 3日 ,“纪念尹赞勋先生诞辰 1 0 0年暨学术报告会”在中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所隆重举行。尹先生 50年的学术生涯 (1 931年在法国里昂大学获博士学位 ,1