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中共广州市委党校1994年度校级科研课题评审揭晓,共有六个课题获奖:陈伟、霍秀媚、赵春荣撰写的《一个不可或缺的“软件”─—试论广州迈向现代化国际大都市的道德建设》获一等奖;哲学教研室课题组撰写的《建设国际化大都市与培育人的现代道德精神》和陈秀源撰写的《国有企业改革的关键─—真正坐在法人所有者的位置上》分别获二等奖;文献信息研究所课题组撰写的《广州:培育国际大都市社会主义道德风貌的思考》、彭国永撰写的《以邓小平经济管理理论为指导的现代企业制度的创新》、张圣田、朱殊洋、吴鹏撰写的《规范市场动作,弘扬德政传统─—建立廉政机制的宏观思考》均获三等奖。 The Communist Party of China Guangzhou Municipal Party School 1994 annual school-level scientific research project review announced, a total of six topics award: Chen Wei, Huo Xiumei, Zhao Chunrong wrote “an indispensable” software “─ ─ Guangzhou on the modernization of the international metropolis Construction ”was awarded the first prize; the“ Modern Mentalism in Building an International Metropolis and Cultivating People ”written by the Philosophy Teaching and Research Section Task Force and the Key to State-owned Enterprise Reform ─ ─ Really Sitting on the Position of the Owner of the Legal Person Won the second prize; written by the Group of Information Research Institute, “Guangzhou: Cultivation of international metropolis thinking of socialist ethics”, Peng Guoyong wrote “Deng Xiaoping Theory of Economic Management as a guide modern enterprise system innovation”, Zhang Shengtian, Zhu Shuyang and Wu Peng wrote the third prize of “regulating market movements, promoting the tradition of ethics - a macro-thinking on establishing a clean government mechanism”.
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