
来源 :工会信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengjiangjie
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在服务职工在基层活动中,为了使帮扶困难职工的工作进一步落到实处,马鞍山市总工会结合实际,推出了《工会爱心医疗帮扶卡》。此举受到了困难职工的欢迎,也受到了社会各界的广泛好评。为拓展工会帮扶领域,逐步改善困难职工“看病难”的问题,马鞍山市总工会在广泛调研的基础上,推出了《工会爱心医疗帮扶卡》。持有市总工会发放的《工会爱心医疗帮扶卡》的困难职工在定点医院进行治疗和检查,可享有部分项目费用全免或一定的优惠。同时,在医院住院治疗的困难职工持帮扶卡可向市总工会帮扶中心申请2000~3000元的《爱心医院医疗券》,可在出 At the grass-roots activities of service workers, in order to further assist the workers with hard work, Maanshan Federation of Trade Unions launched the “Union Medical Care Card” in light of the actual conditions. The move has been welcomed by workers in difficulties, but also by the community wide acclaim. In order to expand the field of helping trade unions and gradually improve the hard working conditions of employees, Ma On Shan City Federation of Trade Unions launched the “Unions Medical Care Card” on the basis of extensive research. Those employees in difficulty who hold the “Union Caring Medical Card” issued by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, undergo treatment and inspection at designated hospitals, and enjoy some free or certain discounts on certain project costs. At the same time, the hospital staff in hospital treatment difficulties with holding cards may apply to the City Federation of Trade Unions help center 2000 ~ 3000 yuan “love hospital medical vouchers” can be out
萧县实验小学贯彻执行《小学生日常行为规范》的做法是: Xiaoxian Experimental Primary School’s implementation of the “Daily Behavior Standards for Pupils” is:
连续几年,我参加中考作文阅卷,手下经过的作文成百上千,但令人拍案叫绝的好文章不多,留在我记忆深处的佳作更寥寥无几。反思一下我们平时的作文教学,难道没有一点启示吗? 我
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合钢公司所属学校实施《规范》针对不同年级学生的特点,采取不同的教育形式。合钢中学利用广播、黑板报、共青团活 The implementation of the “Specifications” at the sc
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