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暑假生活开始了,《海浪》文学社的三位同学刘皓、王芳、周悔兴致勃勃来到学校举办的“初中语文游乐园。”巧对错续妙趣横生刘皓同学平时对诗词有浓厚的兴趣,山他提议,三人首先步入了“诗画对联社”。诗厅里早已是人头攒动,笑语喧哗。大厅四周挂满名诗佳句,书画对联,厅中大桌上摆满了书刊、笔记、文物,还设置了征答信箱,这些既象展览又有别于展览。三位同学随着人流来到了清代鼎鼎有名的画家、诗人郑板桥栏下,10岁时的板桥改诗佳话,吸引了三位同学。说的是有一天,老师带着小板桥到郊外游玩,信步桥上,忽见漂来一具女尸。老师见景生情,赋诗 The summer vacation started. The three students of the Waves Literature Society, Liu Ye, Wang Fang, and Zhou Kui were very interested in the “Middle School Language Amusement Park” held by the school. Coincidentally, the funny and interesting students often have a strong interest in poetry. Interested in the mountain, he proposed that the trio first stepped into the “Pictures and Paintings Associated Press”. The poetry hall is already full of people and laughter. The halls are full of famous poems and sayings, paintings and calligraphy couplets, large tables in the hall full of books and magazines, notes, and artifacts, as well as a reply mail box. These are both exhibitions and exhibitions. The three students came to the famous artist and poet Zheng Banqiao of the Qing Dynasty along with the crowd. At the age of 10, Banqiao changed his poetry and praised the three students. It was said that one day, the teacher took a small boardwalk to the suburbs and strolled on the bridge and suddenly saw a woman’s body drifting. The teacher sees the situation, poetry
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连续几年,我参加中考作文阅卷,手下经过的作文成百上千,但令人拍案叫绝的好文章不多,留在我记忆深处的佳作更寥寥无几。反思一下我们平时的作文教学,难道没有一点启示吗? 我
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合钢公司所属学校实施《规范》针对不同年级学生的特点,采取不同的教育形式。合钢中学利用广播、黑板报、共青团活 The implementation of the “Specifications” at the sc
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