第一讲 商场消防现代化的重要意义

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近几年来,大型商场出现火灾事故屡见不鲜,给人民生命和国家财产造成很大损失。为了吸取教训,防患于未然,需要进一步增强消防安全意识,加强商场消防安全工作,防止火灾事故的发生,我们根据读者的要求,从本期开始,开辟《商场消防现代化讲座》专栏,连续登载。这一讲座由全国商业消防协会《商业消防资料》编辑部负责编篡,共分十讲:第一讲《商场消防现代化的重要意义》;第二讲《商场消防现代化的内容》;第三讲《商场消防现代化过程中应注意的几个问题》;第四讲《商场出现火灾事故的主要原因》;第五讲《商场防止火灾事故的对策》;第六讲《商场如何加强防火科学管理》;第七讲《商场如何加强外来人员的管理》;第八讲《商场如何加强动态火源的管理》;第九讲《商场如何加强夜间、节假日的管理》;第十讲《商场如何加强电器管理》。上述各讲将先后配合选登一些大型零售企业搞好消防安全工作经验、体会等内容的专题文章,希望广大读者阅读,并提出宝贵意见。 In recent years, there have been frequent fire accidents in large shopping malls, which have caused great losses to people’s lives and state property. In order to learn lessons and prevent problems, it is necessary to further enhance fire safety awareness, strengthen fire safety work in shopping malls, and prevent fire accidents. According to readers’ requirements, we will open a column entitled “Modernization of Fire Services in Shopping Malls” from this issue. . This lecture was edited by the editorial department of the “Commercial Fire Fighting Materials” of the National Association of Commercial Fire Protection and was divided into ten parts. The first lecture was “The Significance of Modernizing Fire-fighting in Shopping Malls”; the second lecture was “Contents of Modernization of Shopping Malls in Firefighting”; “Several issues that should be noticed in the modernization of shopping mall firefighting”; Lecture 4 “The main causes of fire accidents in shopping malls”; Lecture 5 “Measures to Prevent Fire Accidents in Shopping Malls”; Lecture 6 “How to Strengthen Fire Prevention Scientific Management in Shopping Malls” Lecture 7: How to Strengthen the Management of Foreign Workers in the Mall; Lecture 8: How to Strengthen the Management of Dynamic Fire Sources in a Shopping Mall; Lecture 9: How to Strengthen the Management of Night and Holidays in a Shopping Mall; and Lecture 10: How to Strengthen Electrical Appliances in a Shopping Mall management". Each of these lectures will be used in conjunction with the election of some large-scale retail enterprises to do a good job of fire safety work experience, experience and other topics of the article, I hope the majority of readers to read, and put forward valuable suggestions.
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