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日本经过科学训练过的小球员源源不断地为 J 联赛提供新鲜血液。在经历过联赛洗礼以及国际大赛的考验后,日本国脚们纷纷摩拳擦掌,把眼光转向更高层次的欧美足球联赛,希望到那里去证明自己的价值,于是,在意甲初获成功的中田英寿转投去了帕尔马、小野伸二到了荷兰、不甘示弱的稻本润一加盟英超、在西甲混得不如意的西泽明训又到英超另起炉灶;广山望率先开辟了南美战场,成为征战南美解放者杯的亚洲第一人,随后高原直泰入主博卡青年队,成为这支世界劲旅的一员。他们的成功又无疑将掀起一个球员南美淘金高潮:在守门员中身高属于“半残废”的川口能活也搭上便车,在英甲成了香馍馍;而在同意大利队比赛中率先打进一粒金球的柳泽敦也将登陆意甲,中村俊辅、铃木隆行等还在跃跃欲试……一时,呈现着八仙过海、争先恐后跳“龙门”的壮观场面。宽容与支持日本人素来都以欺生排外而著称,但他们在对于球员走出狭窄的国度上,却一直持支持的态度。多年来形成的良好足球氛围,使得媒体时球员宽客多于刻薄。没有人会时小野伸二二十出头的年龄就与女友同居指指戳戳,球迷们想要的是他踢球时的认真和专致的态度。而素与日本媒体有隙的中田英寿,哪怕在最背运的时候,有关他的消息在日本媒体上都是头条新闻。而日本企业对外出球员的鼎力支持也使得球员转会 Japan scientifically trained small players continue to provide fresh blood for the J League. After experiencing the baptism of the league and the test of the international competitions, the Japanese internationals have geared up and turned their eyes to the higher-level European and American football leagues, hoping to prove their value there. As a result, Nakata succeeded in Serie A Parma, Ono Takeshi two to the Netherlands, to be outdone to join the Premiership Runichi Inamori, mixed in La Liga mixed Xi Zeming training again to the English Premier Cooked; Guang Shan Wang first opened up the battlefield in South America, expedition South American Libertadores Cup Asia The first person, followed by the plateau straight into the main Boca Juniors team, become a member of this world powerhouse. Their success will undoubtedly set off a player South American gold rush: in goalkeeper height belongs to “half-disabled” Kawaguchi can live to catch a ride in the English club became the incense sticks; and in the same game with the Italian team Liu Ze-london, who first scored a golden goal, will also land in Serie A, Shunsuke Shunsuke of Nakamura, and Suzuki Takahiro are still eager to try ... For a time, there is a spectacular scene where the Eight Immortals cross the sea and compete for opportunities. Tolerance and support The Japanese have always been known for their bullying and exclusion, but they have always been supportive of their approach to the narrow world of players. For many years the formation of a good football atmosphere, making the media when the player more than lenient passenger. No one will Ono Twenty early his age to live with his girlfriend finger pointing poke, the fans want is his serious and dedicated attitude when playing football. While Hideyuki Nakata, who has a rift with Japan’s media, reported headline news on Japanese media even at its worst. The Japanese players to support the full support of players also makes the transfer
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