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人民日报2月28日第四版刊登了一则新华社的新闻,报道中国红十字会总会负责人发表谈话,对一些国家向我四川震区提供赈济表示感谢。这则新闻虽然较短,但实在罗嗦得很。中国红十字会总会负责人今天对记者发表谈话,对红十字会协会和许多国家的红十字会,红新月会在我国四川省道孚县发生地震以后发来慰问电并给予援助,表示感谢。他说:“我国四川省道孚县1月24日发生强烈地震后,红十 The People’s Daily published a news release on the fourth edition of February 28 on Xinhua News Agency. It reported that the chief of the Chinese Red Cross Society made a speech and thanked some countries for providing relief to me in the earthquake in Sichuan. The news is short but really wordy. The head of the Chinese Red Cross Society today delivered a press statement to reporters after receiving assistance and assistance from the Red Cross Society and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of many countries in an earthquake that occurred in Dao County, Sichuan Province, China, thank. He said: "After the strong earthquakes in Dofu County, Sichuan Province, on January 24, the Red Cross ten
In quasi-one-dimensional (q1D) quantum antiferromagnets, the complicated interplay of intrachain and interchain exchange couplings may give rise to rich phenome
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廖修平先生是前辈。此说即指1936年生于台湾的长者廖先生,也指他在1988年后中国社会变革转型中,数度只身赴大陆院校推动版画艺术教育的独到贡献。 Mr. Liao Xiu-ping is a p
We conducted in-situ high-pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrical transport measurements on Dirac-like semimetal PdSn4 in diamond anvil cell
We report optimal phase modulation based on enhanced electro-optic effects in a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator constructed by AlGaAs/GaAs coupled double quantum we
近年来,中国的柑橘产业发展壮大,病虫害和劳动力成本高,严重制约产业发展。从已有枳(trifoliate orange)资源中寻找抗病、矮化砧木缓解以上问题,已经成为果农的迫切需要。但
The tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) is proposed by using the advantages of dopingless and line-tunneling tech-nology. The line tunneling is created due to