,Structural and electrical transport properties of Dirac-like semimetal PdSn4 under high pressure

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yu_threestone
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We conducted in-situ high-pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrical transport measurements on Dirac-like semimetal PdSn4 in diamond anvil cells with quasi-hydrostatic pressure condition up to 44.5 GPa-52.0 GPa.The XRD data show that the ambient orthorhombic phase (Ccca) is stable with pressures to 44.5 GPa,and the lattice parameters and unit-cell volume decrease monotonously upon compression.The temperature dependence of the resistance exhibits a metallic conduction and follows a Fermi-liquid behavior below 50 K,both of which keep unchanged upon compression to 52.0 GPa.The magnetoresistance curve at 5 K maintains a linear feature in a magnetic field range of 2.5 T-7 T with increasing pressure to 20.0 GPa.Our results may provide pressure-transport constraints on the robustness of the Dirac fermions.
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