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养生保健其实并不是一件枯燥的事,那些曾给人们儿时带来无限欢笑和乐趣的游戏,也能让我们在轻松愉快中收获身心健康,您也可以试试。抽陀螺:全身肌肉训练傍晚时分,街心广场上时常会传来“啪啪”的巨响,这是有人在抽陀螺发出的声音。现在的陀螺已不是最初的样子,身型至少涨了五、六倍,抽陀螺的鞭子也变长变粗了,每一次挥鞭似乎都要用尽全身的力气。而抽陀螺的人也不再局限于小孩子,不少身材魁梧的壮汉也在奋力抽打,甚至还有一些头发花白的老年人在潇洒 Health care is actually not a boring thing, those who have given children unlimited fun and joy of the game, but also allow us to recuperate the physical and mental health, you can also try. Spinning gyro: muscle training in the evening hours, often on the street square came “pop” sound, which is the voice of someone spinning top. Now the top is not the original look, body type rose at least five or six times, whip whipped gyro also become longer and thicker, every swing whip seems to have exhausted the body’s strength. The spinning top of the people are no longer limited to children, many burly brawny body struggling to beat, and even some gray-haired older people chic
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