
来源 :湖北教育(教育教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiward
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一次外出,我在出租车上听到这么一段相声:一文化单位开展灭鼠活动,一女士说:“咱们单位是文化单位,灭鼠要灭出文化味儿。老鼠最怕猫,我们可以用白纸写上‘我是猫’,把单位的各个角落贴满……”一男士附和说:“那还得写上英文,不然外国的老鼠弄不懂,最好还要写上汉语拼音……” Once out, I heard in a taxi so comic: a cultural unit to carry out anti-rodent activities, a lady said: “Our unit is a cultural unit, rodent to exterminate the cultural taste. The mouse is most afraid of cats, we can Write ’I am a cat’ on white paper and plaster every corner of the unit ... ”A man echoed and said:“ Then you have to write in English, otherwise the foreign rat could not understand it. Hanyu Pinyin ...... ”
Developing non-precious metal catalyst with high activity, good stability and low cost for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction(ORR) is critical for the w
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Energy is the key to our future.Whether to the production,storage or use of energy,carbon materials could provide a good solution.They are closely related to pe