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春节期间,表哥大军来我家拜年。我一见大军,分外高兴,热情地接待他,心里却暗想:死对头,今天看我怎么收拾你!你可能要问,既然见了面分外高兴、热情接待,为什么又是“死对头”呢?那是因为去年暑假,大军到我家来玩,我打开冰箱拿出西瓜招待他。当时,我觉得瓜好凉啊,连忙把西瓜放到桌上, During the Spring Festival, cousin army came to my home to celebrate the new year. I saw the army, very happy, warm reception to him, but my heart thought: rival, today I see how to clean up you! You may want to ask, since met a very happy, warm reception, why is That is because last summer, the army to my home to play, I opened the refrigerator out of watermelon hospitality. At that time, I think melon cool, quickly put the watermelon on the table,
Developing non-precious metal catalyst with high activity, good stability and low cost for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction(ORR) is critical for the w
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Energy is the key to our future.Whether to the production,storage or use of energy,carbon materials could provide a good solution.They are closely related to pe