
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wencentss
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目前,资金短缺的困扰已经成为各级卫生防疫站生存和发展的最大障碍,因而寻求解决资金短缺的对策就成为卫生防疫站管理者的共同任务。但是,应通过哪些途径来筹集必要的资金,却是值得深入研究的课题。 多渠道筹资已成为卫生防疫站普遍采用的筹资策略。从目前形式,国家拨款,加强内部资源的管理,扩大第三产业已成为卫生防疫站筹资的主要渠道。1 增加国家财政拨款 通过国家预算来实现对卫生防疫站的投入,仍是我国卫生部门,各级卫生防疫站资金来源的重要渠道。这是由卫生防疫站的公益福利性质所决定的,是由预防为主的卫生工作的大政方针决定的。因此,卫生防疫站应积极向地方财政,上级主管部门争取预算经费。 At present, the problem of shortage of funds has become the biggest obstacle to the survival and development of health and epidemic prevention stations at all levels. Therefore, the solution to the problem of funding shortages has become the common task of health and epidemic prevention station managers. However, what channels should be used to raise the necessary funds is a subject worthy of further study. Multi-channel financing has become a commonly used fundraising strategy for health and epidemic prevention stations. From the current form, the state allocates funds, strengthens the management of internal resources, and expands the tertiary industry has become the main channel for funding for health and epidemic prevention stations. 1 Increasing national financial allocations The implementation of investment in sanitation and epidemic prevention stations through the national budget is still an important channel for the funding of health departments and health funding stations at all levels in China. This is determined by the nature of the public welfare of health and epidemic prevention stations, and it is determined by the principle of major policies for prevention-based health work. Therefore, health and epidemic prevention stations should actively seek budget funding from local finance and higher authorities.
音乐教育是基础教育的组成部分 ,是实施美育的重要途径 ,对于陶冶情操 ,培养创新精神和实践能力 ,提高文化素养与审美能力 ,增进身心健康 ,在听觉、感受、联想、表现 ,创造等
2008年9月15日,美国第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护,从而引发了波及全球的国际金融危机。2010年11月18日,美国通用汽车公司停牌17个月以后, On September 15, 2008
Lonnie,53岁,女,因行升结肠部分切除术住在外科病房。开始她感到前胸背部不适,后感到全身一阵剧痛时,立即打开呼叫灯待医,护士赶来时,她疼痛加剧,心脏停跳。 护士迅速接通急
科学出版社 定价 :198.0 0元本书是国内第一本全面系统地介绍疫苗学及相关知识的专著 ,全书分理论管理篇、技术篇和各论三部分 ,共六十四章 .理论管理篇主要介绍了疫苗的基
【《新西兰先驱报》 1998年 8月 5日报道】 越南战争的老兵们对于 4日公布的有关政府将对其子女以及受核辐射海员的子女的健康进行大范围的调查感到欢欣鼓舞。由新西兰前总