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近年来,昌乐县编办结合实际,着力解决事业单位社会服务质量不高,效率低下的问题,积极探索实施“能进能出、配置合理、运转规范、考核严格、责任到位”的编制动态管理新机制。通过清理空编、设岗竞编、绩效考核、考核定编等方式,优化编内人员素质,调整编制结构,事业单位效能得到较大提升。以基层医疗卫生机构改革为例,今年1-6月份,全县基层医疗卫生机构日门诊量达600余人次,同比增长14%;住院1000余人次,同比增长11.5%;医疗费用个人负担同比下降15%。 In recent years, Changle County compiled a combination of reality, and strive to solve the social service unit is not high quality, low efficiency, and actively explore the implementation of “can go out, reasonable configuration, operation norms, strict evaluation, responsibility in place”. Develop a new dynamic management mechanism. By cleaning up the empty series, set up post competition, performance appraisal, assessment and other means to optimize the quality of staff, adjust the compilation structure, the performance of institutions have been greatly improved. Take the reform of grass-roots medical and health institutions as an example. From January to June this year, the daily outpatient visits of primary health care institutions in the county totaled over 600, an increase of 14% over the same period of the previous year; more than 1,000 inpatients were hospitalized, an increase of 11.5% over the same period of last year; and the personal burden of medical expenses decreased year-on- 15%.
该研究运用数量化方法Ⅲ对地貌、海拔等15 个因子进行研究,得出影响幼林生长的主导因子。通过离散度和正态分析找出了造成林木分化的主要原因。利用聚类分析,将幼林进行分类,并对
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武汉城市圈职业教育论坛于11月15日至16日,在位于中华孝文化名城孝感的湖北职业技术学院隆重举行。本次论坛的 The Wuhan City Circle Vocational Education Forum was held
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