
来源 :河南农林科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junhao1987
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冬季果树休眠期间,危害果树的病虫也随着果树的休眠而被迫越冬,此时,加强果树病虫越冬防治工作对于压低病虫越冬基数,减轻翌年病虫危害,保证果树稳产高产具有重要意义.果树休眠期防治病虫优点很多:一是病虫过冬场所比较集中,害虫固定在一个地方不吃不动,有利于集中消灭;二是从秋末病虫开始越冬到翌年三月或发芽初期,防治时间较长;三是冬季多采用人工防治,用药投资较少,收效较大,即是有一些时期用药防治,但由于树上无叶地下防治又集中,所以喷药 During the dormancy of winter fruit trees, the pests and diseases that endanger the fruit trees are also forced to wintering with the dormancy of the fruit trees. In this case, it is important to strengthen the prevention and control of pests and diseases overwintering the pests and diseases, reduce the pest and disease overwintering base, mitigate the pest and disease hazards of the following year, and ensure the stable and high yield of fruit trees Significance. Pest dormancy prevention and control of pests many advantages: First, pests and parasites relatively concentrated place, pests fixed in a place not eat, is conducive to the concentration; the second is from late autumn pests and winter to the following year in March or early germination , The longer the prevention and treatment time; the third is the use of artificial prevention and control in winter, less medication investment, greater effectiveness, that is, there are some periods of drug control, but because of the tree without leaves and underground control and concentration, so spraying
随着互联网发展到 web 2.0时代,好像什么都在向2.0时代发展。而现在就连传统的电视广告也忍不住进入了2.0时代。2.0时代的电视广告什么样?2.0时代的电视广告被贴上了“高科
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。小男孩@熊初保@黄耀国正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not suppo
黄点介壳虫[Parlatoria proteus(Curt.)]广泛分布于欧、美、亚洲。在我国,也广泛分布在许多地区,华南柑桔产区尤为普遍。据报道其主要寄主为柑桔、苹果、香蕉等。但是,为害
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