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  Everyone has problems. They can be small things and they can also be big deals. But it is not necessary for us to be worried about them. I think the most important thing is to find a good way to solve them. What should we do when we argue with our friends? I think we need to say sorry to them. We may not be wrong, but it can show that we value the friendship more. We sometimes get problems from parents. Parents always nag us at home. Usually we cannot stand them and then run away. However, have you thought about? Why parents nag us. They just want us to be better. Why not talk to them. Maybe that will make you have a good relation. Good relation usually depend on good communication.
  Though we have too many problems, as long as we try our best, everything will be solved.
  本文是小作者在学习完八年级上第四单元 “Why don’t you talk to your parents? ”之后的习作。本单元的主题为“谈论烦恼和提出建议” 。
  Everyone,young or old, man or woman, has problems. They could be small things or big deals. But I don’t believe it is necessary for us to worry about them too much. I think it’s more important to find a good way to solve them.
  What should we do when we argue with our friends? I think we need to say sorry to them. Maybe we did nothing wrong, but to be the earlier one to say sorry can show that we value the friendship more.
  We sometimes get into problems with our parents when they say something unpleasant at home. Usually we cannot stand them and then run away. However, have you thought about why parents always do so? They just want us to be better. Why not talk to them? Maybe that will make us have a better relation. Good relations usually depend on good communication.
  We all have many problems. As long as we try our best to communicate, they will be solved one day.
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