Effort and Contribution of T-DNA Insertion Mutant Library for Rice Functional Genomics Research in C

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanzedong
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With the completion of the rice (Oryza sativa L.) genome-sequencing project,the rice research community proposed to characterize the function of every predicted gene in rice by 2020.One of the most effective and high-throughput strategies for studying gene function is to employ genetic mutations induced by insertion elements such as T-DNA or transposons.Since 1999,with support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for Rice Functional Genomics Programs,large-scale T-DNA insertion mutant populations have been generated in Huazhong Agricultural University,the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Currently,a total of 372,346 mutant lines have been generated,and 58,226 T-DNA or Tos17 flanking sequence tags have been isolated.Using these mutant resources,more than 40 genes with potential applications in rice breeding have already been identified.These include genes involved in biotic or abiotic stress responses,nutrient metabolism,pollen development,and plant architecture.The functional analysis of these genes will not only deepen our understanding of the fundamental biological questions in rice,but will also offer valuable gene resources for developing Green Super Rice that is high-yielding with few inputs even under the poor growth conditions of many regions of Africa and Asia. With the completion of the rice (Oryza sativa L.) genome-sequencing project, the rice research community proposed to characterize the function of every predicted gene in rice by 2020. One of the most effective and high-throughput strategies for studying gene function is to employ genetic mutations induced by insertion elements such as T-DNA or transposons .ince 1999, with support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for Rice Functional Genomics Programs, large-scale T-DNA insertion mutant populations have been generated in Huazhong Agricultural University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science. Current, a total of 372,346 mutant lines have been generated, and 58,226 T-DNA or Tos17 flanking sequence tags have been isolated. Use these mutant resources, more than 40 genes with potential applications in rice breeding have been identified.These include genes involved in biotic or abiotic stress responses, nutrient metabolism, pollen development, and plant architecture. The functional analysis of these genes will not only deepen our understanding of the fundamental biological questions in rice, but will also offer valuable resources resources for developing Green Super Rice that is high-yielding with few inputs even under the poor growth conditions of many regions of Africa and Asia.
摘要:所谓“校本”是以学校为研究基地,在校长的带领下,在全体教师的共同参与下,以全校学生为研究对象,促进全校师生共同发展,提高教学质量和教学水平的活动。《高级英语》课程,由于其自身特点,给授课教师带来了难度和挑战。因此,利用校本去重新审视《高级英语》课程,来提高任课教师的自身素质,能够优化《高级英语》课程的教学效果。  关键词:校本;高级英语;成长策略  引言  随着科学技术的迅猛发展,社会竞争也
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摘要:本文作者根据自己的教学实践经验总结和探索出利用情感组织策略构建高效课堂的方法和积极意义。  关键词:爱满天下; 情感组织策略;高效课堂  他是伟大的人民教育家、思想家。他立足中国情,躬身实践,为我们留下了极具价值的生活及教育理论。其中他的“爱满天下”教育思想更成为广大教育工作者的宗旨及风向标。作为一名普通的教育工作者,我们面对的是21世纪的主人,教会学生如何快乐的、创造性的学习将直接关系到国
加快建设监理事业的改革发展,需要大量素质能力高的人才。文章结合岳阳市城市建设监理处的实际情况,从三个方面论述了提高青年人才素质能力的途径和方法。 To speed up the
英语是一门语言类学科,所以我们在英语教学的过程中必须重视英语口语表达能力。但是在目前的英语教学中,口语表达仍然是一个难点。然而作为一名高中英语教师,如何在英语教学过程中培养学生的口语语言表达能力则成为了问题的关键。  一、合理选择朗读材料,激发学生学习口语兴趣  我国古代教育家孔子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”说明了兴趣的重要性。只有激发学生对口语表达产生浓厚的兴趣,才能使教师的教学
阅读课是训练学生阅读理解能力的主要途径,也是学生学习新语法和巩固旧知识的主要载体。在英语科中,培养学生的英语阅读理解能力尤为重要。相对于学生语言水平的提高以及相关阅读兴趣的激发而言,如何提高学生的阅读理解能力才是阅读课的最终目标。  在课堂教学中我们如何恰当地利用各种不同的方式,来提高学生的阅读理解能力和英语其他方面的能力呢?在此,我想结合我的教学经验和理论学习谈谈自己的几点感受。  一、复习  
摘 要:文化背景、生理因素、教育环境等因素较为相近的情况下,智力水平相当的学生,学习成绩却存在着显著的差异。在寻找差异产生的原因时,人们发现学生的学习策略起着举足轻重的作用。使用有效的学习策略,不仅可以大面积地改进学习方式,提高学习效率和质量,还可以减轻学习负担。在英语课程实施中,形成有效的学习策略不仅有利于学生采用科学的途径,还有助于发展学生自主学习的能力,为终身学习奠定基础。  近年来,随着第