
来源 :湖南水利水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiyingyan
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二元结构河流阶地是丘陵和平原地带河流的常见地质结构,采用卡明斯基公式对其浸没范围预测过于保守。文章在考虑了砂砾石层水力坡降基础上,采用粘性土起始水力坡降法计算二元阶地地下水壅高,对二元结构的河漫滩的浸没范围进行预测,求解出其浸没趋势线,并通过同一坐标系中趋势线和地形线来确定二元结构河流阶地浸没范围。实例验证表明文章确定的浸没范围更加接近工程实际情况。 Binary structure The river terrace is a common geological structure of the rivers in the hilly and plains. The prediction of its submerged range by the Cummingski formula is too conservative. Based on the hydraulic gradient of sand and gravel layer, the article calculates the height of groundwater in the binary terraces by using the initial hydraulic gradient method of clayey soil, predicts the submergence range of the river floodplain with binary structure and solves its dip trend line Through the same coordinate system, the trend line and topographic line to determine the binary structure of the river terrace immersion range. The example verification shows that the immersion range determined by the article is closer to the actual situation of the project.
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