
来源 :全球史评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MARRYMAS
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本文探讨新兴的全球史的各种构成要素及其方法论蕴涵。近年来,世界各地兴起了跨文化史和全球史热潮,在这一背景下,各种全球史研究取向、方法论及历史断代说纷纷出台。本文探讨了在普世主义和欧洲中心论四面楚歌的年代,全球史建构的多种可能性及可能遭遇的挑战。文章指出,依附理论和庶民研究乃当下欧洲中心主义批判的先驱,虽然二者不必卷入全球史的话语之中,但其影响与成果却不容全球史学者小视。文章还提出了全球史的多极、多元建构问题。 This article explores the various components of emerging global history and their methodological implications. In recent years, cross-cultural history and the upsurge of global history have risen around the world. Under this background, various studies on the orientation of the history of the global history, methodology and history dating to the world have been published. This article explores the many possibilities and challenges that may be encountered in the construction of the history of the world in the midst of an embattled era of universalism and European centralism. The article points out that dependency theory and common people research are the pioneers of contemporary Eurocentrism criticism. Although they are not necessarily involved in the discourse of global history, their influence and achievements can not be ignored by global historians. The article also raised the issue of multi-polar and pluralistic construction of global history.
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从作学生到当教师,读过中学、大学各阶段历史教科书不下数十种,其中使我印象最深、获益最大的是一本民国时期的高中历史教科 From making students to being teachers, havi
每次孩子玩耍结束,家中就铺满了一整地的玩具,桌子上也是乱七八糟的,椅子不知移到何处,结果只好辛苦父母收拾。那么,有什 Every time the children finished playing, the f