
来源 :清史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:worbestczhy
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Long-pending legal cases had clearly become a serious soclal problem in the late Qing dynasty. The backlog of legal cases was not only a burden for those engaged in litigation, it also increased social unrest. Furthermore, for China’s feudal rulers, the increasingly serious problem of long - pending legal cases was a manifestation of the outbreak of a serious crisis in the late Qing legal system. The reasons for the backlog of legal cases were many. Although late Qing rulers had initiated a systematic reform of the legal system, under a corrupt social system, the effort to eliminate long-pending cases was in vain, and the effort to obtain “ simplified administration and clear punishments” in the end was an illusion. Long-pending legal cases had clearly become a serious soclal problem in the late Qing dynasty. The backlog of legal cases was not only a burden for those engaged in litigation, it also increased social unrest. Furthermore, for China’s feudal rulers, the increasingly serious problem of long - pending legal cases was a manifestation of the outbreak of a serious crisis in the late Qing legal system. The reasons for the backlog of legal cases were many. a corrupt social system, the effort to eliminate long-pending cases was in vain, and the effort to obtain “simplified administration and clear punishments ” in the end was an illusion.
最大限度地把广大人民群众动员起来投入抗战 ,使抗日战争成为真正的全民族的反侵略战争 ,中国共产党的这一抗战指导路线历来受人们的高度重视。本文主旨是对中国共产党在抗战
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日常的阅读是一件简单的事,似乎只要识字就可以阅读,只要会作字面的理解、解释就会阅读。阅读教学中的阅读不能等同于日常的阅读,阅读教学中的阅读,应该强调从文字中取得意义的心理过程,运用隐喻与逻辑思维,从熟悉的地方看到陌生的风景。  一、 隐喻式阅读,看到我们所没有看到的  汉语重视隐喻与直觉思维,用联想体悟的方式挖掘事物之间的联系,用比喻例证的形式表达自己的思想。因此在语文教学中,运用特别多的方式是想
London is famous for its museums—the British Museum,the Science Museum,and many more.One of the earliest museums in London is the Victorian and Albert Museum,
近些年来 ,有关日中战争的讨论广泛展开 ,其中不仅有对起点问题及时期划分问题的争论 ,甚至还出现了侵略战争实为“自卫战争”的论调。众所周知 ,在日本军国主义史观依然有广