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王南溟最近出版了《批评性艺术的兴起:中国问题情境与自由社会理论》一书。引起众多批评家的质疑,质疑的焦点则集中在王南溟一贯的“不断打破边界并介入社会各领域问题的艺术转问”。这便引出了一个“当代艺术发展的边界与延伸”的争论。本期我们相约了两位青年批评家在此问题上与王南溟进行商榷与批评,鲁明军从“批评性艺术”作为一种艺术本体论的危险性进行了质疑。而杜曦云则从“艺术拓域”的有效性上,对王南溟的艺术转向论进行批评。我们希望这种讨论能引发出更多深层的问题,以共同探索当代艺术批评的方法论。这也是我们上几期有关“批评与艺术史”需要向这种方法的讨论的延续。我们也希望更多人士参与本次讨论。特将之前的相关讨论文章排列如下:《当代艺术批评的政治哲学进程——高岭诸失生》鲁明军《画刊》2009年第4期。《评〈谁之批判?何种现代性?〉》高岭《画刊》2009年第4期。《前卫绘画的死亡——以中国20世纪90年代绘画为例》何桂彦《画刊》2009年第4期。《方法作为政治:从微观解构到宏大叙事——反思当代艺术史写作的方法与观念》鲁明军《画刊》2009年第5、6期。《未完成的语言学转型》鲍栋《画刊》2009年第8期。《中国当代艺术史如何体现自身的价值诉求》何桂彦《画刊》2009年第8期。 Wang Nanming recently published The Rise of Critical Art: Theories of China’s Issues and Free Society. Aroused the questioning of many critics, the central point of questioning focused on Wang Nanming’s consistent “art transfer to continuously break the border and intervene in all spheres of society.” This leads to an argument that “the boundary and extension of contemporary art development”. In this issue, we conclude with two young critics on this issue to discuss and criticize Wang Nanming. Lu Mingjun questioned the danger of “critical art ” as an art ontology. While Du Xi-yun criticized Wang Nanming’s theory of art turning from the validity of “art extension domain ”. We hope this kind of discussion will lead to more deep-seated problems in order to jointly explore the methodology of contemporary art criticism. This is also a continuation of our previous discussions on the need for criticism and art history. We also hope more people will participate in this discussion. Special discussion on the previous articles are arranged as follows: “The political and philosophical process of contemporary art criticism - the loss of Gao Ling” Lu Mingjun “Pictorial” 2009 the fourth period. “Criticism of Whose Critique? What Modernity?” Gao Ling “Pictorial” No.4, 2009. “Death of avant-garde painting - with Chinese painting of the 1990s as an example” He Guiyan “Pictorial” No.4, 2009. Method as Politics: From the Microscopic Deconstruction to the Grand Narration - Reflection on the Methods and Concepts of Contemporary Art History Writing. “Lu Mingjun” Pictorial 2009, No. 5,6 (in Chinese). “Unfinished linguistic transformation” Bao Dong “Pictorial” 2009 the eighth period. “Chinese contemporary art history how to embody its own value demands” He Guiyan “Pictorial” 2009 the eighth period.
与死党的前世情缘在一次去埃及法老金字塔的寻宝游戏中你率先找到藏宝的箱子,旁边有六种工具会选哪个工具打开箱子 With the buddies’ previous lives, in a treasure hunt
综述和讨论了 NO·的自由基性质和生理功能.NO·分子轨道上有一个未成对电子,是一个典型的自由基,它的半寿期为6—50s,反应性极强,遇氧反应生成另一个自由基 NO_2,可以和超氧
本文采用 Piers-Harris 儿童自我意识量表与 Achenbach 儿童行为调查表对50名7—11岁单纯性肥胖儿童及50名正常对照儿童的自我意识水平、社会适应能力和行为问题进行了研究,
采用琼脂糖凝胶电脉对质粒 DNA 提取的三种方法进行比较,结果表明:煮沸法较为快速简便,提取质粒 DNA 含量较高;强碱法作用猛烈,质粒的共价、闭合、环状 DNA 构象容易破坏;SDS