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茶叶的深加工是指用茶的鲜叶、成品茶叶为原料,或是用茶叶、茶厂的废次品、下脚料为原料,利用相应的加工技术和手段生产出含茶的制品。含茶制品可能是以茶为主体的,也可能是以其他物质为主体的。茶叶绿色食品生产应从作物病虫草等整个生态系统出发,综合运用各种防治技术措施,创造不利于病虫草孳生和有利于各类天敌繁衍的生态环境条件,保持农业生态系统的平衡和生物多样化,减少各类病虫害所造成的损失。一、优先采取农业措施,通过选用抗病抗虫品种,培育壮苗,加强栽培管理,中耕除草,秋季深翻晒土,清洁田园,轮作倒茬,间作套种等一系列措施,起到防治病虫草害的作用。 Deep processing of tea refers to the use of fresh leaves of tea, finished tea as raw material, or tea, tea factory waste, scraps as raw materials, the use of appropriate processing techniques and means to produce tea products. Tea-containing products may be the main tea, it may be based on other substances as the main body. Tea green food production should proceed from the entire ecosystem such as crop diseases and insect pests and make comprehensive use of various prevention and control measures to create ecological and environmental conditions that are not conducive to the breeding of pests and weeds and to the propagation of various natural enemies and to maintain the balance and biodiversity of agro-ecosystems , Reduce the losses caused by all kinds of pests and diseases. First, priority should be given to agricultural measures to prevent and control pests and diseases through the selection of disease-resistant and insect-resistant varieties, cultivation of strong seedlings, strengthening of cultivation and management, cultivating and weeding, autumn sowing of sun-dried soil, clean-up of fields, crop rotation and intercropping. Role.
Thermal adaptation plays a fundamental role in shaping the distribution and abundance of insects,and heat shock proteins(Hsps)play important roles in the temper
李双双,北京姑娘,可不是上世纪60年代电影中那个红极一时的李双双,不过她们两个的性格倒是有几分相似。双双这一阵情绪不高,一会儿念叨曾经有成堆的CBD新房摆在她面前,她没好好珍惜,等到楼价一涨冲天才追悔莫及;一会儿感叹股票太不争气,眼睁睁看着10万变3万,痛彻心扉却无能为力。一阵哀叹过后,还得面对现实,思来想去,还靠点儿谱的就是开家店。  老话说得好:“宁可独吞一条狗,不要分吃一头牛。”双双是个有主
根据美国疾病控制和预防中心统计,在美国季节性流感平均每年会导致超过20万的人住院和36 000人死亡。2009年的H1N1流感(甲流)的肆意传播,在全球范围内造成约151 700~575 400
[摘要] 在一定阶段上的社会发展过程中,成本与效益应该保持一种相对合理的关系。社会发展成本可以从广义来理解,它与社会发展代价是两个相通的概念。应该从不同的角度对这种广义成本做出具体的分析,从而达到对社会发展代价的进一步的认识。  [关键词] 社会发展; 成本; 效益; 代价  [中图分类号] F124 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-1962(20
A new wo-armed?acyclic diamide Ia 2, 6-bis(1-ethanecarbozamido-2-amino)pyridine, and a new series of aromatic aldehyde schiff bases containing pyridine ring an
针对不确定性电液位置伺服系统的跟踪控制问题,提出了一种前馈补偿滑模PI控制方法.经仿真表明:该方法对存在外扰和模型不确定性的电液伺服系统具有强的鲁棒性和良好的跟踪特性. Ai