Hepatocellular carcinoma: Review of disease and tumor biomarkers

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davesd
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Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is a common malignancy and now the second commonest global cause of cancer death. HCC tumorigenesis is relatively silent and patients experience late symptomatic presentation. As the option for curative treatments is limited to early stage cancers, diagnosis in non-symptomatic individuals is crucial. International guidelines advise regular surveillance of high-risk populations but the current tools lack sufficient sensitivity for early stage tumors on the background of a cirrhotic nodular liver. A number of novel biomarkers have now been suggested in the literature, which may reinforce the current surveillance methods. In addition, recent metabonomic and proteomic discoveries have established specific metabolite expressions in HCC, according to Warburg’s phenomenon of altered energy metabolism. With clinical validation, a simple and non-invasive test from the serum or urine may be performed to diagnose HCC, particularly benefiting low resource regions where the burden of HCC is highest. HCC tumorigenesis is relatively silent and patients experience late symptomatic presentation. As the option for curative treatments is limited to early stage cancers, diagnosis in non-symptomatic International guidelines advise regular surveillance of high-risk populations but the current tools lack sufficient sensitivity for early stage tumors on the background of a cirrhotic nodular liver. A number of novel biomarkers have now been suggested in the literature, which may reinforce the current surveillance methods. In addition, recent metabonomic and proteomic discoveries have established specific metabolite expressions in HCC, according to Warburg’s phenomenon of altered energy metabolism. With clinical validation, a simple and non-invasive test from the serum or urine may be performed to diagnose HCC, especially benefiting low resource regions wher e the burden of HCC is highest.
项目以推广高产优质玉米杂交种黔原三号为主体 ,配套实施各种高产栽培实用技术 ,加强技术培训和指导 ,大办示范样板 ,实施政技物结合。两年内在遵义、贵阳等地项目区内 ,示范
目的:  非酒精性脂肪肝已经成为在世界范围内的最常见的慢性肝病,研发能有效、安全治疗NAFLD的药物已经成为大家聚焦的热点。人参皂苷Rgl是从人参中提取的活性成分,已有研究证
豫玉 2 7号原名“洛单 94 1” ,系洛阳农业科学研究所以“独 32 1”自交系做母本 ,“53选 3”自交系作父本组配的高产、稳产、优质、多抗黄粒玉米杂交种。 1999年 4月经河南