The genetics of nicotine dependence:Relationship to Pancreatic cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenghuah
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SmoKing or tobacco products continues to De a major cause of worldwide health problems. Epidemiological studies have shown that tobacco smoking is the greatest risk factor for the development of pancreatic cancer. Smokers who are able to quit smoking can reduce their risk of pancreatic cancer by nearly 50% within two years, however, their risk of developing pancreatic cancer remains higher than that of non-smokers for 10 years. Nicotine is the major psychoactive substance in tobacco, and is responsible for tobacco dependence and addiction. Recent evidence suggests that individuals have genetically based differences in their ability to metabolize nicotine, as well as genetic differences in the psychological reward pathways that may influence individual response to smoking initiation, dependence, addiction and cessation. Numerous associations have been reported between smoking behavior and genetic polymorphisms in genes that are responsible for nicotine metabolism. In addition, polymorphisms in genes that encode neurotransmitters and transporters that function in psychological reward pathways have been implicated in differences in smoking behavior. However, there is a large degree of between-study variability that demonstrates the need for larger, well-controlled case-control studies to identify target genes and deduce mechanisms that account for the genetic basis of inter-individual differences in smoking behavior. Understanding the genetic factors that increase susceptibility to tobacco addiction may result in more effective tobacco cessation programs which will, in turn, reduce the incidence of tobacco related disease, including pancreatic cancer. SmoKing or tobacco products continues to De a major cause of worldwide health problems. Epidemiological studies have shown that tobacco smoking is the greatest risk factor for the development of pancreatic cancer. Smokers who are able to quit smoking can reduce their risk of pancreatic cancer by nearly 50% within two years, however, their risk of developing pancreatic cancer remains higher than that of non-smokers for 10 years. genetically based differences in their ability to metabolize nicotine, as well as genetic differences in the psychological reward pathways that may influence individual response to smoking initiation, dependence, addiction and cessation. Numerous associations have been reported between smoking behavior and genetic polymorphisms in genes that are responsible for nicotine metabolism isms in genes that encode the neurotransmitters and transporters that function in psychological reward pathways have been implicated in differences in smoking behavior. However, there is a large degree of between-study variability that demonstrates the need for larger, well-controlled case-control studies to identify the target genes and deduce mechanisms that account for the genetic basis of inter-individual differences in smoking behavior. Understanding the genetic factors that increase susceptibility to tobacco addiction may result in more effective tobacco cessation programs which will, in turn, reduce the incidence of tobacco related disease, including pancreatic cancer.
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摘 要:初中语文教学中德育教育作为其教学的重要内容,不仅是学生学习成绩提高的重要保证,更是学生今后发展的重要导向,因此而更加受到人们重视。因此,要求初中语文学科教师在教学中应该要从学生的年龄特点以及心理特征等等方面出发,在提高学生学习成绩的同时解决学生的心理问题,引导学生心理健康发展,推动初中语文学科教学德育教学全面发展。文章就初中语文教学中德育教育渗透的相关内容作简要分析。  关键词:初中语文;