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   A ngelina Jolie, in publicly airing the details of a surgery that forced her into early menopause, is taking an activist approach to oversharing.
   Let’s talk about menopause. Or let’s talk, at least, about Angelina Jolie. The actress, filmmaker, and advocate recently underwent surgery that removed her ovaries and fallopian tubes—and that, as a result, put her into forced menopause at the age of 39. Jolie wrote about the surgery, and its effects, in Tuesday’s New York Times. “I will not be able to have any more children,” she writes, “and I expect some physical changes. But I feel at ease with whatever will come, not because I am strong but because this is a part of life. It is nothing to be feared.”
   That Jolie would undergo the surgery she did, given her genetic risk for ovarian and breast cancers—she lost her mother, her grandmother, and her aunt to the disease—is not in itself terribly noteworthy; it was a decision she made, she writes, after long consideration, and with input from medical professionals both “Eastern and Western.” What is noteworthy, though, is the fact that Jolie detailed the decision in the pages of the New York Times. Even in the age of U.S. Weekly and TMZ, celebrities’ personal health is still generally regarded as, you know, personal. And reproductive health even more so. What Jolie is making, by being public about her surgery, is a subtly political point: She’s breaking the barrier between reproductive health and health in general.
   She’s also breaking a cultural barrier, though. In her essays—the one published today is the sequel to a piece Jolie wrote in 2013, detailing her decision to get a double mastectomy—Jolie has emphasized the fact that she still feels, despite and even because of the surgeries, fully feminine. “I do not feel any less of a woman,” she wrote in 2013. “I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity.” Today’s essay echoes that sentiment: “I feel feminine,” she notes, “and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family.”
   This is significant, and not just because Jolie’s openness is bringing normally taboo subjects into the public sphere. There’s also the fact that Hollywood has, particularly in its notoriously troublesome dealings with women, emphasized a divide between beauty and health. Or, more specifically, between health and “health.” The media-industrial complex, with its emphasis on images and consumerism, has treated beauty not just as evidence of well-being, but also as something that can be obtained at the expense of it. It has sold us, and particularly women, on beautifying solutions like Botox, tanning, and plastic surgery, with all its attendant dangers. It has emphasized, in other words, beauty—which doubles, often, as youth—over longevity.    The toxicity of all that, literally and otherwise, is obvious. The good news, though, is that as humans, we’re rapidly evolving away from it. It’s not that we’re becoming less superficial, or less interested in beauty and youth and the extension of both; it’s instead that the media is beginning to understand beauty as a holistic proposition—something that is intimately connected to health. Sure, women can still buy their way to better looks, occasionally at the cost of their own longevity and quality of life. But what’s becoming apparent now as never before is that the best way to look healthy is to actually be that way. All those Cosmo articles detailing the best diets for glossy hair and glowing skin; all those Marie Claire pieces sharing destressing tips. The rise of yoga and meditation and “clean eating” and detoxing and quinoa. The popularity of organic foods. The fact that “green juice” is a thing.
   It’s easy to make fun of this stuff, and of all the other things that tend to result when Peter Pan complexes meet conspicuous consumption. What they suggest, though, is an extremely salutary thing: that beauty, in the end, is another thing that’s best when it’s organic.
   Which is another way of saying that hotness is increasingly a holistic proposition. As is celebrity. U.S. Weekly and People magazine and TMZ have made a sport, if not an art, of emphasizing the human banalities of stars’ lives(“Celebrities: they’re just like us!”). Social media have given celebrities even more platforms for sharing their relatable humanity. So have more traditional forms of commercial media. Beyonce has, on top of everything else, a line of yogawear and a vegan food delivery service. Gwyneth Paltrow is selling a life philosophy, along with recipes for gluten-free lemon bars, on GOOP. So is Blake Lively, on Preserve. Even Kim Kardashian, who might yet prove to be a mannequin come to life, is selling humanity—her lifestyle, her catchphrases, her particular approaches to celebrity and beauty and capitalism—along with her image.
   In that context, Jolie’s discussion of her decision to remove her reproductive organs is not terribly surprising. Celebrities have long used their fame for political advocacy, and Jolie herself has been, on top of everything else, a human rights advocate. (Her bio on her New York Times essay lists her as“a filmmaker and special envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.”) The fact that Jolie is training her focus on her own health puts her in league with a long list of fellow stars who use their fame, and their personal experiences, to bring attention to health issues: Michael J. Fox and Parkinson’s. Katie Couric and colon cancer. Magic Johnson and HIV. Padma Lakshmi and endometriosis. Brooke Shields and postpartum depression. Maria Shriver and Alzheimer’s. Etc.    Jolie’s advocacy is especially powerful, though, because the issues she’s discussing—and the issues she is, more importantly, encouraging a discussion about—are intimately connected to cultural assumptions about youth and desirability. Jolie is oversharing, in a way, but it’s a productive form of oversharing—far removed from the vapidities of the Kardashian selfie or the self-indulgences of Celebrity Instagram. Jolie, in talking about her surgery, is also emphasizing the inextricable connection between inner health and outer beauty. “I feel feminine,” Jolie writes in today’s essay. That declaration is preceded, tellingly, by this one: “I will look for natural ways to strengthen my immune system.”
一课一练  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  歌手朴树说:“我觉得很多人都疯了,总想着一下子把一辈子的钱挣完。”在一篇文章里,他写下这样一则故事:“某人善画竹,名满天下。可他的老师对他说,你尚未入门。问:如何得入。答:要在心里觉得你就是竹子。其人乃去,终日站在竹林中。风起。竹摇。其人亦摇。如此十年过去。一日,师往探之,见其在竹林中闭目凝神,随风摇摆。师视良久说,好了,可这还不够,你要忘掉你是竹子这
句一:十有九人堪白眼,百无一用是书生。莫因诗卷愁成谶,春鸟秋虫自作声。——黄景仁《杂感》  古诗文速用:最圆润的珍珠要经过沙砾的,最妖娆的花朵往往绽放在峭壁之上,最精致的笛子需要承受千雕万凿的竹子才能制成。痛苦,往往能够让自己看清世事。  “十有九人堪白眼,百无一用是书生。”是清代杰出诗人黄景仁《杂感》中的名句,二百多年来,它叩动着无数蹭蹬不遇,报国无门士子们的心弦。黄景仁少年得志,曾经给了他信心
从“一锅难求”到无人问津,  章丘铁锅的境遇不仅是对工匠精神的呼唤,也是一堂市场警示课  “十二道工序,十八遍火候,1000℃高温冶炼,36000次锤打……”今年初,央视纪录片《舌尖上的中国》第三季中的讲述,让人们领略到了章丘铁匠手工制锅的匠心独运,章丘铁锅也一夜之间蹿红。全国消费者疯狂抢购,搞得一锅难求,价格炒到上千元。很多人为求得一口锅,从线上店铺追到线下工厂,不惜翻墙入厂,甚至追到铁匠家里。
虽然很多人是因为《演员的诞生》第一次听说他的名字,但是他其实并不算是一个刚刚出道的新人演员。说来也奇怪,虽然是上海戏剧学院毕业的,但他当初学的专业是木偶戏……  年纪不大,演过的角色并不少,从公公到皇帝,从阳光少年到死宅,也演过被绑架的富二代、心机的山匪、癌症患者、末代皇帝……他的可塑性非常强,可以严肃也可以轻松活泼,可以少年,也可以老成,每一个角色都不是雷同的,每一个角色都有新的生命力。  之前
作文的“根”在哪里?在“我的”生活里。凡高说过,你是麦子,一定要把你种到麦田里去,才能生根发芽,不要在巴黎的人行道上枯死。广大考生要在考场上写出感人至深的记叙文,还是要回到自己熟悉的生活里去。只有扎根于“我的”生活,写出的记叙文才能个性飞扬,吸人眼球。  一、事——讲述“我的”经历。  有的考生拿到作文题,先想到的并不是“我的”生活,而是從《读者》《青年文摘》或各类作文选、阅读材料中“别人的”的生
江苏省梅村高级中学坐落在吴文化的发祥地,有着3200余年文明史的“江南第一古镇”梅村镇,同驰名中外的泰伯庙毗邻。学校创办于1913年,是一所有着悠久办学历史,深厚文化积淀,达到省标的国家级示范高中。学校以“敏毅诚朴,至德至贤”为校训,优质办学,奏响教育教学之高歌。  钱湘健,江苏省无锡市学科带头人,多年在高三一线教学,教学经验丰富,有几十篇论文发表。  【文题一】  俗话说“独木不成林”,但是,林
集市,一个久远、熟悉而又朦胧的词语。小村镇里,随时可见它的身影。它承载着数辈人的记忆,高度浓缩着浩瀚中国建国70年以来的飞速变化,同时,也展现着小村镇里的数代青年人为了村镇的发展而不断前行的步伐……  爷爷说,他小时候最期盼的就是每月定期的赶集。家家户户都像过年时一样兴奋。那时,新中国刚刚成立,一切百废待兴。集市上的东西,大多是锅碗瓢盆、柴米油盐糖,赶集的道路有时是坑坑洼洼,泥泞不堪,但这些丝毫不
在庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年之际,国家主席习近平9月17日签署主席令,授予42人国家勋章、国家荣誉称号。97岁的秦怡作为电影界的唯一代表,被授予“人民艺术家”称号——这是新中国前所未有的国家荣誉。  当年,她被周恩来总理誉为“中国最美丽的女性”,如今,她为电影事业奉献一生,将自己活成了传奇,延续着跨越世纪的美丽。  秦怡出生在上海,上世纪40年代,甫登话剧舞台的她便成为最受欢迎的演员之一。新中