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任何认知活动都伴随着一定的情感,是在情感动力影响下进行的。美国心理学家林格伦说:“没有感情上的变化,就没有认识上的变化。”学生积极的情感对学习起着促进和增强效果的作用,教师要在新课程实施过程中创设充满情感的教育氛围,激发学生的积极情感。一、架设情感桥梁,促进师生和谐学生刚入学时,上进心和学习兴趣都是强烈的,十分珍视教师对自己的态度和评价,他们体会到老师对他们的关怀和喜爱,就会心情愉快和充满自信,情感是教育中的润滑剂、催化剂。古人云:“亲其师,才能信其道。” Any cognitive activity is accompanied by a certain emotion, is under the influence of emotional motivation. American psychologist Lindgren said: “There is no change in cognition without emotional change.” Positive emotions of students play a role in promoting and enhancing learning, and teachers should create new courses during their implementation Full of emotional atmosphere of education, to stimulate the positive emotions of students. First, the establishment of emotional bridges, to promote harmony between students and teachers When students just enrolled in school, motivated and interested in learning are strong, very valued teachers on their attitudes and evaluation, they feel the teacher care for them and love, will be happy And full of confidence, emotion is education in the lubricant, catalyst. The ancients said: “The pro-teacher, to believe it.”
哇——同学们不时爆发出欢快的惊叹!原来,曾参与南北极科考的位梦华、张继民和高登义爷爷正在给同学们讲述南北极可爱动物的故事。 Wow - students from time to time burst
We present the spatial resolution estimation methods for a photon counting system with a Vernier anode.A limiting resolution model is provided according to disc
蜜蜂是我最喜欢的益虫之一,为了对它们有个深入了解,暑假里,我特意到乡下正在养蜂的姨外公家对它们做了一次小调查,发现蜜蜂身上有许多我以前不知道的小秘密。蜜蜂是一种 Be
1.运用多媒体教学软件培养学生的学习兴趣,激发求知欲。美国教育学家布鲁纳说:“学习的最好刺激,乃是对所学材料的兴趣。”我国教育家孔子也曾说过:“知之者不如好之 1. The
北风的呼啸声,火车的轰鸣声,鸟儿的鸣叫声……我们周围充斥着各种声音。这些声音,你只是用耳朵去聆听,但是你能看得见声音吗?不相信吧,一起做几个小实验吧! Howling of the