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  1. The story rapidly around our small town as everyone shared in the sorrow of the wife and family.
  A. circled B. carried
  C. cycled D. circulated
  2. On the accident spot, my brother recognized what was left of the car as of his friends father and knew the news would have to be conveyed to the family.
  A. what B. that
  C. one D. which
  3. between China and Russia, the president addressed in ShangriLa, has brought Mongolia a great advantage in every aspect.
  A. Locating B. Located
  C. Being located D. Having located
  4. The Atwater system is still the best one when it comes to calculating calories. Though other systems have been proposed, none have .
  A. struck B. stricken
  C. beaten D. shaken
  5. Water inspires us not to become with fear or stick to whats familiar.
  A. rigid B. aggressive
  C. merciful D. desperate
  6. As the 8day National Holiday is approaching, it is recommended for those tourists that they travel insurance policy in case.
  A. take out B. account for
  C. take away D. build up
  7. While walking along the icy river banks, we could see cracks in the ice in all directions.
  A. radiating B. dividing
  C. splitting D. tearing
  8. Everyone has their phones placed in the middle of the table; whoever looks at their device before the check arrives the bill.
  A. take up B. pick up
  C. split up D. put up
  9. Looking at them sometimes, I feel exactly the same emotion I felt when they were walking.
  A. simply B. thoroughly
  C. merely D. barely
  10. We weep at a sad song about children growing up partly because the process us a tragic.
  A. challenges B. strikes
  C. regards D. describes
  11. In the second stage, we will, modernization, work hard for a further 15 years and develop China into a great modern socialist country.
  A. building on having basically achieved
  B. building on basically achieving
  C. build on having basically achieved
  D. to build on basically achieving
  12. In Britain there is not a great difference between summer and winter. Some tourists actually enjoy the British weather, surprising as it seem.
  A. must B. might
  C. can D. would
  13. The explorer took only such men and things he really needed into the jungle with him.
  A. who B. that   22. A. beneath B. above
  C. in D. between
  23. A. legs B. hands
  C. toes D. back
  24. A. pay for B. break down
  C. account for D. pull through
  25. A. genuine B. sacred
  C. magical D. specific
  26. A. regardless of B. instead of
  C. on account of D. in spite of
  27. A. produced B. shaped
  C. purchased D. carved
  28. A. therefore B. even
  C. still D. yet
  29. A. gifts B. lessons
  C. pens D. sparrows
  30. A. vivid B. casual
  C. permanent D. valid
  31. A. prediction B. intelligence
  C. accuracy D. expectation
  32. A. stared at B. picked up
  C. glared at D. caught sight of
  33. A. blank B. shut
  C. firm D. wide
  34. A. as B. for
  C. since D. whether
  35. A. passes by B. stands out
  C. crowds of D. fades of
  These hotels dont have all the necessary facilities, but each of them offers something different. Dont miss them if you travel to Canada.
  Sleep on a train at the Train Station Inn. This hotel is in an old train station in Nova Scotia. The owners, James and Shelley Le Fresne, use the station and the train as rooms. There are seven old cars and there is also a restaurant in the dining car. Prices are from $89 to $169 per room or train car.
  Sleep in a jail in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. Here, you can sleep in the old downtown Ottawa Jail Hostel. There are group or private bedrooms. There are still bars on the doors! Prices are from $25 to $65. Dont worry, there arent any criminals there!
  Sleep in a tepee (a tent of the American Indians) at a UNESCO World Heritage site in Alberta. At this hotel, there are guided tours and lessons in local culture. The best part: sleeping in a real tepee outside. The price is around $300, or $620 for a full package.
  Sleep in a lighthouse at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn. This hotel is on Newfoundlands Quirpon Island. There are great views of the ocean from the windows. There are 11 private rooms in total. Prices are from $225 for a single to $350 for a suite. Meals are included in the restaurant. The hotel has the traditional look and feel of the lighthouse, so there is no Internet, TV or telephones in the rooms. There are tours available, and boat tours to the island are included.
  36. What can you do if you choose the Train Station Inn?
  A. Shop in the old train cars.   B. Learn how to drive the train.
  C. Have meals in the dining car.
  D. Enjoy a rail tour of Nova Scotia.
  37. In what way is staying in a tepee in Alberta special?
  A. It serves local food to diners.
  B. You can sleep in the open air.
  C. You can tour Alberta for free.
  D. It offers lessons on making tepees.
  38. Which is unavailable at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn?
  A. Private rooms. B. Guided tours.
  C. Daily meals. D. The Internet.
  39. Youll pay the least if you choose to sleep .
  A. in the Ottawa Jail Hostel
  B. at the Train Station Inn
  C. in a tepee in Alberta
  D. at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn
  Jason, our son, was born with cerebral palsy. My wife Margaret and I often comforted him as he faced many challenges in his early years.
  It was heartbreaking to see him regularly chosen last for breakfast, but he was a happy child and well liked by his peers throughout elementary school. His most difficult time came when he began high school. One afternoon, Jason returned home in tears. He threw his bag on the floor and shouted, “Im never going to school again!” He was covered with food that other kids had thrown at him on the school bus on the way home. Jason later told us what had happened.
  A few days earlier, Jason had signed up for the school running team. That day, a few older students made fun of his performance on the track and made him the target of their onesided food fight. I called the principal about the humiliation on the bus, and it never happened again. Jason stayed on the team, even though the harassment (騷扰) continued.
  One day in October, we had snow and freezing rain. As the other kids exercised in the gym, they noticed one long runner—Jason—jogging around the snowcovered track.
  A few weeks later, Jason had something to tell us. “Mom, Dad, sit down,” he said. I was ready for the worst. He told us that each month, students chose an “athlete of the month”. The coach would list the top athletes, and students voted for the winner. Jasons name had never been listed. But that day, one of the nominees said, “Sir, I would like to nominate Jason for athlete of the month.” The coach looked surprised. “He works harder than any of us, Sir,” the student continued. “We will have to have someone second the nomination,” the coach replied.
  A tear formed in Jasons eye as he told us what happened next. “Mom... Dad... everyone in the class put their hands up.” His mother and I, also in tears, looked on as he proudly displayed his certificate.   Whenever I despair, I think of this story.I remind myself that challenges are not overcome by force, but by patience, determination, and faith.
  40. Jasons first days at high school didnt go well because .
  A. he missed his friends from primary school
  B. he was turned down by the schools running team
  C. he was suffering from the aftereffects of cerebral palsy
  D. he was treated badly by some older students
  41. Which of the following could replace the underlined word “humiliation” in Paragraph 3?
  A. Defense. B. Shadow.
  C. Abuse. D. Panic.
  42. It can be concluded from the article that .
  A. the coach didnt believe Jason was worthy of the nomination
  B. Jasons effects were widely recognized by his fellow students
  C. It didnt take long for Jason to be the best runner in the school
  D. the “athlete of the month” award was usually given to the best performer
  Educators across the US are calling for major changes to the admission process in higher education. The National Center for Educational Statistics reported that U.S. colleges and universities received more than 9 million applications between 2013 and 2014. The schools admitted more than 5 million students in that time.
  But a new report says that the problem is not about the number of students that are being admitted, but rather how students are selected. The Harvard School of Graduate Education, along with 80 other schools and organizations, released the report in January 2016, called “Turing the Tide—Making Caring Common”. The report argues that the process schools use to choose students causes major problems.
  David Hawkins, the Executive Director for Educational Policy, says that most colleges and universities require many things from students when they apply. Schools usually ask for an essay describing a students interests or why they want to study at that school. The schools also ask for letters from teachers or other responsible adults describing why a student is a good candidate. But, Hawkins says, the area that schools are most concerned with a students high school grades and standardized test results.
  The report suggests that paying attention to academic success over other qualities works well for some students but hurts others. In addition, academic success is not the most important quality a student should have. More attention should be paid to showing whether or not a student wants to do good in the world. The report also suggests that schools should ask for evidence that students care about other people. Moving attention away from academic ability will make process less about competition, the report says. Students will feel less stress about meeting higher and higher expectation.   But the report does have its critics. Bob Schaeffer, Public Education Director, said that every few years, someone makes the same argument for change. He said that no real change has happened yet and that even many of the schools that agree with the report still make no changes. “Many of the institutions that have supported the findings in the report are the very institutions that have the most competitive admission processes in the country,” Schaeffer said.
  43. What is the problem of the admission process according to the report?
  A. The schools ask social responsibilities from the applying students.
  B. The schools attach importance to students academic records.
  C. The number of students getting admitted is too small.
  D. Admission officers only consider personal qualities.
  44. Which of the following do colleges ask of applicants except ?
  A. their reasons to attend the school.
  B. a description of their interests.
  C. recommendation letters from adults
  D. evidence that students care about others
  45. What does the authors attitude to the report of the admission process?
  A. Supportive. B. Doubtful.
  C. Neutral. D. Negative.
  46. The critic, Bob Schaeffer, thinks that .
  A. some schools dont do what they believe is right
  B. the largest schools are expected to make changes first
  C. not enough schools currently agree with the report
  D. history has proved that all changes are good
  There is no denying that some people live to be older than others. Followed are the standard explanations: keeping a moderate diet, engaging in regular exercise, etc. But what effect does your personality have on your longevity? Are there any kinds of personalities contributing to longer lives? A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at these questions by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100.
  According to the study, those who live the longest are more outgoing, more active and less neurotic (神經质的)than other people. Longliving women are also more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span. These findings are in agreement with what you I would expect from the evolutionary theory: those who like to make friends and help others can gather enough resources to make it through tough times.
  Interestingly, however, other characteristics that you might consider advantageous had no impact on whether study participants were likely to live longer. Those who were more selfdisciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old. Also, being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might explain all those badtempered old people who are fixed in their way.   Were susceptible (易受影響的) to many cognitive biases (认知偏差), one of which is known as the confirmation bias. Lets suppose you have a friend who doesnt believe in global warming. She gives stronger credit to news stories that support her beliefs while discounting evidence in support of the existence of global warming. The confirmation bias causes us to seek out things that confirm what we have already believed, but to ignore or discount anything that opposes our existing ideas. As a result, it can prevent us looking at situations objectively and can lead to bad or faulty choices.
  When something bad happens, its only natural that we look for an underlying cause to blame. The problem is that we often place the blame on the wrong person, event, or object and frequently distort (歪曲) reality to protect our own selfesteem. Imagine for a moment that you just bombed an important test in your psychology class. Whos responsible for your failure? You might explain away your poor performance by blaming situational factors or your instructor. However, if a classmate fails the test, youre likely to believe its because he didnt study, that he is lazy, or that hes just plain stupid. In psychology, this is whats known as the actorobserver bias. In daily life, the bias often leads to misunderstandings and even arguments.
  There is simply so much going on in the world around us at any given moment that our brains cannot attend to every detail. As a result, we can sometimes completely miss major chances that happen right in front of our eyes. This is described as change blindness. Researchers suggest several different factors probably play a role in it. First, we have to deal with the limited resources available to us. If were busy concentrating on one thing, we simply have to tune out huge amounts of other information our brains cannot deal with. Second, our expectations play an important role. Would you expect a person to suddenly transform into somebody else while you were talking to him? Of course not. Because of this, our brains simply arent accustomed to noticing such a strange shift.
  Overall, your brain is capable of remarkable things, from remembering conversation you had with a dear friend to solving complex mathematical problems. But as youve seen it certainly isnt perfect. So what can you do? Theres no way to avoid all of these potential problems, but being aware of some of the biases, perceptual (感知上的) shortcomings, and memory tricks that your brain is susceptible to can help.   Ways your brain plays tricks on you
  A fact about the human brainThe human brain is fantastic but 51 . For example, it can makes us forget things sometimes or become 52 to something important around us.
  The confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves 54 information that confirms existing beliefs.
  The bias can cause us to look at things 55 and even damage our ability to make right choices.
  The actorobserver bias makes a person 56 his own actions to external causes but other peoples behaviors to internal causes.
  It can make two sides 57 or even fall into arguments.
  Change blindness refers to the failure to detect changes in 58 scenes.
  Its occurrence is linked to different things including our expectations and our 59 to focus on many things.
  Conclusion Though there exist some possible problems with our brains, having a(n) 60 of the limitations and patterns of our brains is helpful.
  AI (artificial intelligence) has raised a widespread concern that it is making machines more powerful and efficient, shortening the list of current jobs that only a human can do. At the same time, some people are getting more optimistic about the outlook of having a robot at home to help share the burden, such as washing and cleaning. When it comes to do housework, most of Americans would like it better if someone else just did it for them.
  1. 用30词概述文字的主要内容;
  2. 用约120词阐述你对人工智能进入人类生活的看法,并用2~3个理由支撑你的看法。
  1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
  一、1—5 DBCAA 6—10 ACBDB 11—15 BBDDD
  二、16—20 ADBCB 21—25 CDAAB26—30 DDCBA 31—35 CACDB
  三、36—40 CBDAD 41—45 CBBDC46—50 AADCB
  四、51. imperfect 52. blind 53. factors 54. favoring 55. subjectively
  56. owe 57. misunderstood 58. present / visual 59. inability / failure 60. knowledge
  五、One possible version:
  With the development of technology, AI like robots are coming for our current jobs. While some people show their concern about the issue, others consider it normal to have a robot in their homes.
  Im totally in favor of owning robots in our daily life. First of all, they can perform tasks faster than humans with more accuracy. Whats more, they do not care about the comfort and security of their environment, therefore saving workers from boring and even dangerous tasks. Last but not least, they can work at a constant speed with no breaks and perform assignments at a steady high level.
  To be honest, what we should really worry about is not the presence of robots themselves but the absence of necessary knowledge about them. Therefore, it is definitely wiser for people to become more familiar with our future helper rather than consider it a question of robots winning and humans losing. (154 words)
2016年高考江苏卷任务型阅读以因特网可以拓宽社会义肢系统的范围为主题,从概念定义、社会作用、影响类型等角度考查了考生在信息检索、内容归纳、语言结构等方面的知识与能力。考生普遍反映2016年高考任务型阅读难度是最大的。文章语言流畅,句子长度适中,理解起来难度不大,但题目需要归纳总结的地方较多,考生答题的时间比较紧,所以仍然让考生感到有些压力。这一项仍然是制约考生分数的“拦路虎”。  一、任务型阅读
第Ⅰ卷  一、语言文字运用(12分)  1.在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分)( )  哲学和艺术的情趣由大到小的转换,反映了中国人文化心理的变化。重视当下直接的体验,推崇________纯净的美感,高扬________幽微的气象,________,山林境界为人们推崇,士人们返归于内成就心性的圆满,不必追求官能的享受,而着意直接的生命感受。     A.简约 淡逸 蔚然
一  黄舸的感恩之旅  感动中国人物黄舸,7岁时被确诊为先天性进行性肌营养不良。据医学专家介绍,这种病只能活到18岁,黄舸现在离医学界同类患者最长生命记录仅差两年时间。  一个生命就要走到尽头而只有十六岁的男孩,为了向曾帮助过他的人说声谢谢,他不顾自己的身体已经进入倒计时和父亲踏上了“感恩之旅”。疾病早已剥夺了黄舸站或坐的能力。每天,父亲必须小心翼翼地把他抱上轮椅,用绳子仔细地“固定”,以保证他不
阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。  三国时期文学家李康在《运命论》中說:“行高于人,众必非之。”意思是“德行高于众人,众人必定会对他加以诽谤”。然而,汉代儒家学者郑玄却认为人们对“有高德者则仰慕之,有明行者则而行之”,意为人们“看见品德高尚之人就会仰慕他,看见行为光明正大之人就会效仿他”。  某中学拟以“行高于人,众必非之”(正方)和“行高于人,众必仰之”(反方)为题举行一场辩论赛,请你选择其中一方
一、陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气  语气是动词的不同形式,用来表达说话人对所说的情况的不同态度。在英语中有三种语气,即陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气。  陈述语气表示说话人认为他所说的话是一个事实。  Lei Feng is a helpful person and we should learn from him.雷锋助人为乐,我们应该向他学习。  He prefers classic music
一、 下面各组中那一句的表述更好,为什么?    1. A.经过一个暑假的相处,我跟她建立了深厚的友谊。她舍不得离开我家。可是,她母亲还是领她回去了。  B.经过一个暑假的相处,她跟我建立了深厚的友谊。她合不得离开我家。可是,她母亲还是领她回去了。  (B好,陈述对象一致)  2. A.班长李军工作努力,团结同学,同学们一致评李军为校优秀学生千部。  B.班长李军工作努力,团结同学,被同
阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  鲤鱼们都想跃过龙门变为龙。可是龙门太高,只能望而兴叹。于是祈求佛祖降低龙门高度。佛祖被感动,降低了高度,每条鲤鱼都顺利跃过,实现了梦想。但它们很快发现没有了做龙的感觉。  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。  [思路点拨]  这是一道新材料作文题。“材料”是一则寓意类的小故事。该
第一部分 單项填空
【摘 要】 生物农业已经成为全球农业发展的重点领域,也是我国应对农业问题、推动农业科技革命的有效途径。本文通过梳理文献,总结了国内外关于生物农业的概念、发展现状、发展趋势、方向和政策;在区域创新体系领域,从概念、模式与评价、障碍和政策的角度进行总结。  【关键词】 生物农业;区域创新;文献综述;政策  Research on the Development of Regional Innovati
在不少同学的眼中,议论文总是与枯燥无趣联系在一起。其实,优秀的论说文并不排斥形象,古今中外众多的议论性文体不仅具有思辨性,而且富于形象性和趣味性。远的如诸子百家的散文,很多都是以形象的譬喻见长的,文中一则则寓言故事既生动有趣,又蕴蓄着深刻的哲理,文章篇幅短小,却理趣盎然,意味隽永;近的如鲁迅先生的杂文,更是形象与思想相得益彰,成为富有文艺味的议论文。下面,让我们来看看他们是如何来说理的。  一、借